.Chapter Twelve.

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further falling

It had been a month since my extended stay at the Delaford Estate, the weather was turning brisk and the roses in the garden had stopped blooming.

I sighed, pulling the brush through my dark hair one last time before setting it gently on the vanity in front of me. Tonight the Dashwood's were coming for dinner at Barton Park and I had so much to tell Elinor. We hadn't sat and talked since the ball besides a few stray letters keeping each other in the loop.

Pinning my hair up in its elaborate hairstyle, I let my mind wander. I had been here for six months now, spring had come and gone and the end of summer approached with falling leaves. Yet I had barely stopped to think on how I had even ended up in the story.

Has the story changed in my world since my arrival? It had changed so much from how I remembered, Marianne was happily engaged to Willoughby now and even though Elinor's plot seemed the same, the others seemed more or less changed.

The little dog asleep on the foot of my bed was proof enough of that. I smiled softly at Bennett as he yawned and re-positioned himself. He was so precious and full of joy. I don't think I could ever thank Brandon enough.

I groaned, placing the last little pin into my hair. The Colonel had my mind on the fritz lately. The regency manners were getting to me a little, he seemed so polite and reserved but every now and then he would do something that made my heart flutter and my hopes rise.

Like Bennett. 

No one had ever given me a gift quite like him, it felt like such a high honor. I couldn't help the blush that started creeping onto my face at the thought of that afternoon and the smile that came with it.

Maybe the best plan was to just let things unfold... After all, that's all there really was to do at this point.


"Elinor! How nice it is to see you!" I giggled at my friend as we made our way to the dining room. 

John Middleton sat at the head of the table, his mother-in-law on his left. The Colonel sat on his right, with the Dashwood's filling out the rest of the chairs besides the one Willoughby occupied next to Marianne . I sat on the far end from John, on the left, next to Elinor and across from Margret.

Elinor smiled at me, her eyes twinkling in the candlelight. "How have things been, Isabelle?" She leaned back as the food was served. "I haven't seen you since your fall!" 

"I know, it's been too long!" 

She looked around the table and when she was satisfied everyone was engaged in their own little conversations she leaned closer, her voice falling to a whisper. 

"How are you and Colonel Brandon faring? Are you engaged yet?"

I playfully smacked her arm. "Elinor! It's far too soon for any of that!" Glancing around to be careful I lowered my voice to match hers. "Besides, I'm not even all that sure that he even likes me. Much less wants to marry me," 

Elinor raised her eyebrows at me in disbelief. "Izzy, he gave you that necklace... I'm sure he likes you,"

"And Bennett," I froze, realizing what I had just said. 

"Bennett?" She looked at me confused and scooted her close ever so slightly closer. 

"Ah... Yeah. He gave me a puppy. I've named him Bennett..."


The conversation quieted around us and we both gave everyone an awkward smile as I smacked her arm.

Dearest, Darling {Colonel Brandon X OC}Where stories live. Discover now