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Meanwhile, in 3A classroom, Mr. Eric was getting more and more desperate, he had been staring at a sheet covering the broken window for a long time. A lot of questions struck his head, he wanted answers and he wanted them fast. It was already lunch time. Today he spent hours having all those long and tiring lessons with Class 3A. He ran around the school, asking people tons of questions about ghosts and finally ended up in one single conclusion.

Class 3A was an extremely normal class.

After four hours, fifty minutes and twenty-one seconds of investigating.

There were absolutely no clues about the ghost or about anything related to broken windows and lockers.

There is not any progress in his investigation.

Thinking of this, Mr. Eric took a deep breath and sighed.

"Sigh.....there doesn't seem to be anything strange in this class. Everyone seems normal. I expected something would happen after those broken windows. But nothing happened. I wondered if I was lucky or unlucky," Mr. Eric complained, talking to himself. Two girls noticed Mr. Eric kept on glaring at the broken window and came forward.

"Mr. Eric, are you interested in this broken window? You have been staring at it for minutes!" One of the girls asked.

"Well......ha-ha.....sort of. I am interested in how this window broke. We are on the third floor, it is really hard for a window to be broken like this. Do you know what happened?" asked Mr. Eric, he didn't think of relying on the girls but he was desperate anyway.

"No. When I came back this morning, this broken window suddenly appeared. It's kind of mysterious."

"Did you know there are also two other places damaged similar to this window?" Mr. Eric questioned.

"You mean the corridor window and the broken lockers, right? I walked past there in the morning. It's rather creepy, they are all places which are difficult to damage. As if they were being damaged by a ghost just like before." The long-haired girl continued.

"Yeah. Yeah. I saw that too, it's creepy. I do hope there won't be anything broken again in the future." Another girl with short hair agreed. Mr. Eric raised his eyebrow.

"What did you just say?" he asked in doubt.

"I said I hoped there wouldn't be anything broken again." The short haired girl repeated, she didn't seem to understand his question.

"No! I mean the ghost." Mr. Eric corrected, he turned to the long-haired girl, "Did you just say that the places seemed like they were being damaged just like before?"

"Yeah. What about that?" The long-haired girl asked again.

"Can you tell me more details about what happened before?" Feeling anxious, Mr. Eric plunged his head near to the girls, the girl's words were the light of the darkness.

"Sure. But I don't know much, I just heard it from other classmates in my class." She replied.

"It is ok. Just tell me what you know."

"Well, you know that our school has a primary school, right? There are some students here who graduated from that primary school. I heard a ghost rumor from those students. Rumors said there was a boy in primary school who had strange behaviors. He never talked to anyone, he just liked to talk to ghosts."

The other girl stood beside her nodding. "I heard that rumor before too."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

"Err.....that happened years ago. I don't remember correctly but I'll tell you what I know" Mr. Eric's face darken, remembering himself he shouldn't rely much on the girls.

"Go on."

"Well, the fun part is rumors said the boy told the ghost to threaten a classmate. There were even broken windows and scratches on the school walls. Similarly, the places were all difficult to be damaged. No one knows why those places were damaged and why the boy did that. It's really scary."

"Maybe the boy hated the school environment and wanted to bully other classmates?" The short haired girl suggested.

"Ha! In that case, the boy is so dangerous! I never want to meet a person like him!" Laughing at the boy, the girl felt disgusted by the boy's existence.

"Me too. But I think ghosts are much more terrifying and dangerous! He's as cold as a reptile. He hurts people violently. Imagine, if you got hurt by an invisible force, it is so creepy, right?" The other girl stated in fear, her body started to shiver when she thought of the ghost. Listening to the girls, Mr. Eric sharpened his eyes.

"That's interesting. Do you know the name of the boy?" He asked anxiously and thought at last, luck finally came to his side. Hearing Mr. Eric, the two girls' eyes went out wide a little and stared at each other for a second. They seemed a bit startled by Mr. Eric's question. After a few seconds, the long-haired girl broke the silence.

"....sorry, I don't know the name of the boy. Why don't you ask someone else?" She suggested, her eyes were not blinking. Mr. Eric felt odd.

"Well, then can you describe the boy more precis-----"

"Err....sorry. I suddenly remembered a teacher asking me for help today. I gotta go. Bye!" The girl interrupted unexpectedly. Before Mr. Eric could realize it, she and the other girl hurried outside the classroom door and disappeared into sight. That's weird. Why did she run off? Mr. Eric felt strange towards the girl's behavior but time was precious. He followed the lead given by the girl and walked around the school to ask other people for more information about the ghost rumors.

Sadly, most of the people didn't even know the rumors, only a very few of them knew. But no matter who got the answers, everyone just seemed to have similar responses and similar faces. Their faces all went out pale when they were asked for the boy's name.

Mr. Eric believed they were all hiding something from him.

But he didn't know why.

It's getting really and really fishy here. Why does everyone just pretend to know nothing?

Mr. Eric complained in his mind. He took out his phone, it was already a quarter past four. It was almost time for the ghost to appear, he alerted his senses and searched around. There was light coming from a room a few feet away from him, the room caught his eye. He gazed at the sign that said, 'Photography Activity Room'.

Ghost Sweepers The XXX that only I can understandWhere stories live. Discover now