Jealousy in Snakey

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In Jay's viewpoint...

Days later, at sunset, the sunlight breaks through the misty clouds and shone its last glow at school. Darkness fell upon us, creating shadows and a more tense atmosphere. Along one of the staircases at school, Paul was walking down the staircases happily.

But all of the sudden, something hit his head hard.

"Ouch!" Paul shouted as he comforted his head, while he was wondering why he saw a notebook on the floor.

"What? A notebook?" As he spoke, he kneeled down and tried to grab the notebook. Before his hand could touch it, shocking, the notebook moved and floated in the air by itself.

"Oh my goodness!!! For heaven's sakes!! Why is a notebook flying?!" Paul cried in terror. The notebook was being flipped open to a blank page, a pen appeared in the air out from nowhere. The pen slowly began to write in the notebook on its own.

"Good day." Words were written on the notebook with clean handwriting. Paul was terrified of what he saw.

"What?? Who are you?!" Paul screamed loudly.

"Human, evil spirit, ghost...what do you think I am?"

"I don't care who you are! Stop hiding and show yourself." Paul screamed out to the empty walls, talking to someone who he couldn't see. The notebook stopped writing and dropped on the ground. Paul felt relieved and sighed. But unexpectedly, an unknown strong invisible force seized his neck and pushed him on the walls.

"What---" Paul nearly choked, with fear sliding on his skin. He didn't know what was going on, fear made shivered more rapidly.

"Why.......are you doing this to me?" Paul asked, his voice was trembling. The invisible force let go of Paul and grabbed the notebook on the ground. He started writing again.

"You should know why."

"What the heck are you talking about?" Feeling confused, Paul asked.

"At school. You stole James's pen because of jealousy. You are afraid that James will discover you have stolen his pen. So, in order to be safe, you put your blame towards Alfie. Am I wrong?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Alfie is the one who steals James's pen. I saw it in front of my eyes!" Paul lied, closing his eyes. In darkness, a voice appeared in his mind.

"I see. You don't want to admit your crime. Then...." Paul opened his eyes a bit and peeped out, I stood there, maintaining a distance from him. Paul finally seemed to be able to see me. I watched him wondering if he was seeing a ghost. I was really pissed off by Paul, if he could just apologize, I wouldn't need to do it in the hard way. I dropped the notebook and the pencil on the ground and ran closer to him.

"......I hope you won't regret your words." I warned him.

"HISSSS!!!!!" Unexpectedly, a loud hissing sound rang towards my ears, making me to stop. I gazed at the wall behind Paul, there was a shadow. It was Paul's shadow. The shadow changed its form and turned into a shadow snake lying on the walls. A big, gigantic, black snake came out from the shadow, it raised its huge fangs and roared at me.

"A snake?!! What is this?!" Paul shouted when he saw what came out of his shadow.

"Hey. This is my host. Don't you dare to hurt him!" The snake scolded me. Paul opened his mouth out wide when he heard the snake talk.

"Oh, Snakey. I can't believe you care about your host. Didn't you say your host is simply a tool?" I questioned, looking down at Snakey.

"Yes, but I still need him to work for me. I can't let you hurt him." answered Snakey.

"How poor are you. You need to protect that nasty bait. You know what, Snakey? You're really hilarious." I stated. Snakey licked out his forked tongue and started hissing again.

"Hiss.....what do you mean?"

"You know why you are a snake?" I asked in a wicked smile, enjoying myself looking at Snakey's reaction, he didn't seem to know what I was going to say.

"Snakes represent jealousy. Ghosts reflected their host's desires deep in their heart. Your host often feels jealous so that's why you're in the shape of a snake." Snakey's eyes sharpened, creating a more petrifying look but I showed no fear.

"You are enormous and you love to hug lightening posts. It is a very noticeable and significant behavior but you never stop hugging it. Why? Because your host wants to be in the spotlight and be a significant figure. But he can't, so that's why he is jealous."

".............." The snake remained silent, I continued.

"There's more."

"You said you don't have a heart. Yes, of course, you don't. You never care about other people's feelings because your host is a selfish person who uses other people's suffering to show off."

"Hiss.....what's the point in all this....blabbing?" Snakey questioned.

"Hmm....don't you see? All your actions, behaviors and thoughts are similar to your host. You once said host is a simply a tool. But ghosts are created by hosts, which means that you are created by a tool. You look down at your host but you are actually looking down on's hilarious, isn't it?" I criticized heavily, Snakey got angry by my words and leaped right at him.

"HISSSSS!!! DIE!!!!" He bawled. He opened his mouth wide and attacked me with his huge razor-sharp fangs. I leaped back, Snakey's fangs hit the ground where I was standing earlier, the ground broke into cracks. I floated in the air to escape all the attacks. I was much faster than Snakey, none of the attacks reached me. Snakey felt more anxious and engaged me even more fiercely. The wall wallpaper was being ripped off and collapsed on the floor. Paul looked at the chaos around and wanted to escape but his legs were not in his control. The windows nearby shattered into pieces, right beneath his feet, he covered his head with his hands and screamed.

"What the HELL is going on?!!" Paul cried, he was seriously terrified. I ignored Paul and observed the surroundings, there was damage everywhere.

"Snakey. Come on, don't be so angry. I don't want the school to be destroyed," I said.

"Then why don't you just stand there and get killed by me?!!" Snakey shouted, he wiggled his tail and slammed it right and left at me. I thought if I kept on escaping the attacks, it was only a matter of time before the whole school would be collapsed. So, I stopped moving, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Snakey saw me closing my eyes and laughed.

"How stupid! Why you close your eyes in the middle of a battle? If you want to die, I'll let you!" Snakey stroked his tail at me immediately. I didn't care and kept on closing his eyes. The tail was just about to hit me.

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