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Scarlett's POV

Lily has started to fall asleep on my lap and is hiding her face in the crook of my neck
I start swaying us slightly side to side while drawing random patterns on her back before she goes to asleep

How has she been coping with all this change in her life
Lizzie asks me

Shes been alright she just doesn't want to start a new school

When does she start
Chris asks

In 2 weeks
I reply back

Oh Ok
Is she excited

No she was not happy she was begging her dad to be homeschooled


Well anyway were here and there are already alot of paps here
Lizzie says

How about me and lizzie go and distract them while you wake her up
Chris suggest


Alright lets go
Lizzie says

They leave the car and i start to wake up lily

Lils its time to wake up now 
I say while rubbing her back

She just groans and pushes herself further into my neck

Come on lets go shopping
I say

She sits up and rubs her eyes before saying
That was the best sleep ever scarly  
Your so comfy
I think I'm  gunna have to steal you and use you as a pillow from now on

I just laugh in response

Where have Chris and Lizzie gone ?

There were a couple of paps so they went to distract them while you wake up

Oh ok
If they see me and start asking question what are you gunna say?

What do you want me to say

Um i dont know

Thats fine we will just ignore them then ok ?


Alright lets go and remember to stay close to me


We head out the car and go to Lizzie and Chris while there were a-lot of Paps there

Scarlett look over here

Scarlett who's   that

Scarlett i love you

I feel lily clutch onto my hand

You ok
I ask her while pulling her closer to me

theres to much people and cameras here
She replies back

Scarlett  its to loud for me and theres to much flashes its its hurting my eyes

Come here
I say and pull her arm around me
Now look down were nearly away from them ok ?

She says back.

I feel her grab on to my hand and she starts playing with my rings on my fingers in order to calm herself down

U ok lils
I ask her

Scarly its to much for me can we go somewhere more quieter
She says in a whisper

Yes come on lets get away from them

I mouth to Chris and lizzie to distract them while i take her somewhere else

They nod there heads and i take lily to somewhere quieter


Hey guys
Authors note

Hey guys
I honestly have no idea on what to write and i am thinking about ending this book as it has had no comments in 20 part

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