Settling in

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After I unpacked rose left and told me she's going to play with her dolls
It's been a couple of hours since I've moved in and i don't like it
I miss my old home
I wanna go back
I hate it here
I'm interrupted by a knock at my door
Come in and in comes my dad
Hey Lils
Hey dad
So how r you liking it
I hate it here I wanna go home
Come on lily it will be ok
No I don't like it here
Lily stop overreacting it's fine
No it's not fine I don't like it here I wanna go back this isn't my home
Lily you will be ok
After he said he just left my room
I go to look for rose and decide to play with her for abit
Hey rose
Hey lily
Want me to play with you
YES she basically yell
Ok what shall we play
Let's play with the dolls and make them have a party
After a while Scarlett comes to us and tell us that dinners ready
Hey lily
Yes rose
Can you sit with me when we eat
Of course i can

We go downstairs and go to the kitchen where my dad and Scarlett were
Lily sit over here
Rose calls me
Ok I'm coming

I go to sit down and Scarlett serves me my food
Thanks I mumble
Your welcome
After a awhile of us sitting down Scarlett asks me
Do u like it here ?
Um it's ok I guess

His kid Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang