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Warning this story will contain mentions of a panic attack

Lilys PoV
After Scarlett finished of getting stuff from her trailer I met the rest of the cast and then we had decided to go to lunch

We got outside and got into the car and drove to a restaurant that was 15 minutes away

We got out the car and we were instantly met with a swarm of paparazzi

All I could see were flashing lights and my breathing stopped
Scarlett was telling me to keep close and to  cover my face she was putting her arm around me

"Scarlett I can't breath"

All I could see and hear were blinding lights and loads of questions being asked
My heart race quickened  and my breathing became shorter

"Lily look at me"
"Yeah it's me look at me focus on my speaking"
"I i can't breath"

Scarlett's PoV
Lily told me she couldn't breathe
I looked at Chris because he has panic attacks he looked back at me and I signalled for him to help me he said something to the rest of the cast and started to walk towards me

Chris PoV
When we left the car to go to the restaurant we were met by a swarm of paparazzi 
I remember lily telling me she didn't like paparazzi so I go to look at her when Scarlett looks at me and signalled towards lily I could see her having a panic attack so I told the cast to distract them while I went to her
they started to distract the paparazzi and they started to follow the rest of the cast.
I walked towards lily and her breathing was uneven and she was shaking a lot
"Hey lily what's wrong"
"Yeah it's me"
"I i i can't breathe"
"Alright can you look at me?"
She moves out of scarlets grip and turns  her head to look at me
"Alright tell me 5 things you can hear"
"Um um umm "
That wasn't working so I tried a different method
"Ok ok how about you listen to my heart beat ok and try to take  some deep breaths with me.ok?"
"Ok"she whispers
She comes close to me and rest her head on my chest while taking deep breaths
I look at Scarlett and mouth to her that she can go and I'll meet her inside with lily
She looks a bit hesitant first but then goes
"That's it .in Out. In. Out "
After a couple of minutes She regains her breath and let's out a long shaky breath
"You ok now" I ask her
"Yeah"she replies with her head still on my chest
"Thank you"she whispers to me
"Of course"

Authors note
Hey guys
Sorry for making u wait so long and also thank you so much for 1 k reads it means so much to me
This chapter was a bit shit but oh well
Il see you in the next chapter.

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