Moving in

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After lunch with Scarlett we went back to my house
On the way I asked her not to tell my dad what happened and that I will tell him myself
We got home and I went straight to my room and started to journal while listening to music. I was interrupted by a knock at my door
"Come in"
"Hey lily"
"Oh hey Scarlett"
"Can I help you?"
"Your dad wanted me to ask you if you  have packed"
"Oh shoot that's today!"
"Yeah ... I'm taking it you haven't packed"
"Yeah I kind of forgot"
"Do you want some help?"
"No it's alright I can do it"
"Alright call me if you need me"
She said and the left

After 1 and half hours I finally finished packing
My dad had called me downstairs
Telling me that Eva had came
I hopped of bed and went downstairs to see her
She was in the living  room talking with my dad
"Hey lily I'm going to take ur boxes to the van and then we have to go alright"
My dad left leaving just me Eva and Scarlett in the room
"I don't want you go" Eva whispered I went and gave her a hug not wanting to let go
" i don't want to go either" I replied with tears in my eyes
" I'm going to make my dad drive me here every weekend so I can come se you"
"Promise me you'll call me every day"
"I will don't worry"
"Alright girls it's time to go now" my dad said walking back in
" no I don't want to go"
" come on it will be ok"my dad said
After a while me and Eva let go I had tears going down my eyes and so did she
"I've got to go because my dads waiting outside but message me as soon as you get there"
"I will"
She hugs me one more time before leaving
"Are you ok lily" Scarlett asks me
I just ignore her because it's her fault we have to move
I leave the place I once called home and walk to my dad
"Are you ready to go"
"Yeah" i reply
"Alright we're going on Scarlett's car as mine isn't working at the moment"
We go towards her car and I get in at the back sitting behind my dad
"Dad how long is it going to take"
"Around one to two hours"
"Dad I don't like travelling and you know that"
"It's fine you've taken your tablet you will be alright" " just try and get some sleep"

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