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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲...

Taehyung woke up at 6:00 a.m. as he decided yesterday night to make breakfast for Jimin. Jimin let him stay in his house, so he have to something in return for him....

While Tae was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, Jimin woke up and went to bathroom to fresh up. He, as usual, came out of the bathroom and was going to the living room to get his clothes.....then he remembered he put them in the closet while cleaning...he had put the clothes in the living room as whenever he bought clothes, after returning from the shopping, he didn't have the energy to climb the stairs and put them in the closet....that's why they were in the living room...

So he went to the closet to get his clothes and got ready...he thought he would order take out for them again...he doesn't cook usually and kind of didn't knew how to as he ordered take out or stick on his instant noodles... It's not like his work is pressuring but he like to keep himself busy or he will start over thinking and he couldn't stop the train of thoughts anymore...

After getting ready, he went downstairs to ask Taehyung what he would like to eat....he could have ordered something on his own but that would be rude while having a guest in his house...

On his way, he was distracted by the sound of something being fried from the kitchen....and Jimin guessed it would be Tae...so he headed towards the kitchen...

Taehyung saw Jimin coming towards him being fully ready..he asked...

"Hey, Angel. You woke up. Good morning."

Again this name...Jimin blushed which was nearly unnoticeable but Tae noticed...he liked how Jimin blushed from a small thing..but that was not a small thing to Jimin...

"Umm Good morning, Tae. What are you doing? I was going order..."

"It's not good to eat too much outside food and moreover I am staying here so I have to be in your use."

"You really didn't have to do that..."

"You have to let me help you, it's kind of my duty."

"Ok, do whatever you want. I'm in the mood to argue."

Though the words Jimin said, may sound rude but that small lingering smile on his face assured Taehyung that his Angel was not mad actually..

"Look, Angel, I made red rice and omlet."

Jimin looked at the delicious food on the frying pan...

" It looks tasty."

"I tried my best to make it look good atleast."

"I belive it will be tasty also."

"I hope also.", Tae said with a hoping smile that the food he made would be liked by Jimin...

Taehyung finished the garnishing, Jimin waited there patiently...

" Here's the food.", Tae placed two dishes on the dinning table...

They both sat down...Jimin took the first bite and it tasted better....better than the food he ever had...and he noticed Taehyung looking at him...hoping a positive comment...

"It taste the best, Taehyung."

"It's not good."

"What? You should be a chef, Tae."

"Stop flattering me."

"I am not flattering you, you taste it yourself."

Tae took the first bite and it tasted not that good which Jimin is saying..

"It's not good. Sorry, I will try better next time."

"Shut up, keep saying whatever you want and let me enjoy the food peacefully." Saying this Jimin shifted his gaze from Tae to his plate and ignored Taehyung...

Taehyung chuckled to see Jimin behave like this, he is grateful that Jimin didn't insecure him for his cooking though it didn't taste good...

Jimin looked at Taehyung when he heard him laughing, their eyes met but Jimin broke the eye contact and focused on his food to avoid the awkwardness. He could not believe he behaved like a child.

The rest of the breakfast was silent...

Jimin went to upstairs to get his bag and when he returned downstairs, he saw Tae washing the dishes and he felt bad...He went to the kitchen..

"If I haven't have work now, I would have helped you."

Tae turned around when he heard Jimin and while wiping his hands on his apron, he said..

"You don't have to. I am okay with that. I am free, so.."

after a moment of pause Jimin said while looking at his wrist watch

"Okay, I am going to work. If need something, call me."

Jimin got no response back and saw Tae standing nervously and scratching his back of neck...

"What happened?", Jimin asked curiously..

" Actually, I don't have a phone."

Then realization hit Jimin, "Yah, I totally forget about that. How stupid of me. How can you~."

"Jimin stop. It's not your fault."

"No, when I will come back, I will get a new phone for you and if you are in trouble, the aunty next door is good. Let her know, she has my number."

"I don't need a phone. What will I do with that?"

"What normal people do..."

"Yah! Understand me, nah."

"I understand you and that's why I am doing it and take this card. It has 10,000 in it."

"Ok, this is too much. I can't, Jimin. Do you have too much money that you have to donate it?"

Jimin smiled at Taehyung's logic...but he himself doesn't know why he ia helping Taehyung...they are unknown but he still feels known to Jimin from the day he found him on the beach..Jimin gets  enough salary to survive and there still money left to spend it on himself...he doesn't want to get married now and he also don't have a family which he have to take care....so he can give his money to Taehyung and moreover he can take the money back when he gets his lost memories.... it can happen that he is a millionaire and he will give Jimin a million or two to save his life....so it's like investment, right?

"No, but you can always pay me back, right?" Jimin gave a brief of his thoughts....he can't say about the millionaire thing, right...

"Hmm that's a good idea."

"Ok, then, bye Tae. Lock the door and don't open the door untill it's me."

"I am not a kid, Jimin."

"You are, you don't know the surroundings."

Taehyung was a little frustrated as he can't go out and have to satay in this four walls. Unknowingly, his lips formed a pout. Jimin chuckled seeing this cute bear like human with his fluffy bread checks. He also felt at ease as Taehyung was showing his true self around him and he is happy to take out Tae out of his nutshell.

Jimin then went to his office and Tae locked the from inside...

To be continued...

Word country ✍️: 1137

It was an late update...sorry for that...I know the story is slow and boring but Vmin are strangers in this story...so they will take time to be comfortable around them and fall for each other...

Thank you for your support till now....

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