"-You still there?" Felix broke her concentration on the others to bring her back to them.

"Uh yes. Sorry, got distracted there for a minute."

"Well remember our last talk?" Fayne jogged her memory cryptically she was sure for Felix's sake.

"Of course." Adeline replied after it occurred, they wouldn't have been able to see her head nod. She facepalmed at her action.

"Well, it means the new priestess has been found. The key is another way for others other than protectors to call the new priestess." He tested the waters to see if she would get his warning.

Adeline gasped. She didn't want to be the new priestess. But it did make sense of why she would have gotten the necklace, and why she felt that pull. It wasn't usually her kind of style.

"I know what you're thinking but we'll keep you safe." Fayne's voice echoed around her to reassure her. Although it didn't do a good job.

"I never wanted to be a part of any of this. I was just happy to live my life in my own oblivious bubble." Adline whispered out nearly on the verge of tears. It all felt like it would be too much for her. Full of more adventure than she'd ever wanted. Adeline had only ever dreamed of graduating at the top of her class to get into a good law firm. Before she went travelling when she could and then settle down when she'd gotten a couple of years older. Not perform some sort of weird exorcist on creatures that the world had promised over and over again weren't real.

"It'll be okay." Felix's voice came out smaller than usual. Almost sarcastic as he tried to give her sympathy towards what she must be going through.

"I better go." Adeline managed to squeeze out before she hung up the phone and as fast as she could rushed towards her best friend's house.

Adeline used the spare key they'd given her to let herself into the house, she ran up the stairs towards Laura's bedroom having noticed neither one was up yet. She wasn't planning on letting them spend all day in bed. Not when it was their actions that caused the hangover.

Adeline peeled back the door only to find Darren right next to Laura in the bed. The sheet hung low on his hips to accentuate their nakedness. Adeline covered her mouth when she noticed they were both in a deep sleep both happy and discussed at the same time for them both. Over the moon they finally got together, but she could have done without seeing them post-sex. Adeline smirked wickedly with a new plan. She slammed the door as hard as she could to ensure they both shot out of the bed. Darren held a sheepish grin while he scratched the back of his head, and Laura clutched the sheets closer to her body. Her eyes went in all directions in panic of how to explain the situation away.

"I see you've been keeping things from me." Adeline teased them, she did her best to betray hurt in her voice and hoped that she'd gotten better at acting from when she was little.

This time it was her turn to make them both blush and squirm under her line of fire. She put her hand over her heart dramatically when they didn't get it straight away. Otherwise, it would be her that would end up feeling too guilty.

"You little-" Luara accused when she saw what Adeline had done, she snaked across the bed to trip Adeline on top of it face down.

"EWE! EWE! SEX SHEETS!" She shrieked childishly she threw her hands up in the air but continued to sit regardless.

Darren laughed at her reaction.

"Not like you haven't been there before." Darren sneered to join in.

"They were mine. Not yours though!" Adeline exclaimed.

Laura was laughing so hard that tears streamed down her face as she panted no longer able to breathe properly.

"Not true." Laura butted in taking a break in-between each word.

"Gross." Was all Adeline could reply as she wriggled her nose at the insinuation. She didn't want to know the times; it would only serve for her to feel sick thinking about it.

Darren shrugged his shoulders not looking guilty for it even once after Adeline made it clear she didn't mind that they were dating.

All three of them now sat in the kitchen with bowls of ice cream, Adeline had forgotten what she was running away from.

"So how long has this been going on?" She inquired before she popped in another spoonful of the delicious cold treat.

"Can't really remember." Darren admitted.

"That long." Adeline responded, she couldn't wipe the smile from her face, it ate it up from knowing they'd given in to their feelings. It had been a long two years having felt the sexual tension in the air when they were both around.

"You looked upset when you first came, you ok?" Luara's face changed to show the genuine concern for her friend.

"Bad day in uni." She half lied. Adeline didn't know why she did. But it was out there in that way now, she couldn't take it back without having to explain it all. But she didn't think they would believe her about it, more likely would deem her insane.

Both Laura and Darren turned to look at one another without saying a word on what Adeline had told them. They didn't look very convinced with her answer.

"Anyway. What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" She threw at them to get them off her.

"MOVIE DAY!" Laura shouted at the top of her lungs. Her hands fled to above her head before any of them had time to react she was waving them around.

Adeline burst out into laughter at the stupidity. She knew exactly what kind of movies they'd all end up watching. The only kind that Laura really watched. Fantasy.

Darren rolled his eyes but got up to get the sweets out onto the coffee table. Adeline took his lead and begun to go to the guest room to get the spare pillows and the blankets. Before they knew it all three of them were wrapped up on the sofa while the first movie played its opening titles.

They only got halfway through another movie before Adeline got an email.

Adeline sat straight up from her slumped position already in action as she talked to the others.

"One of my lectures have been changed to in like an hour. I got to go." Adeline rushed out. She was at least half an hour away from campus but would need to go to her dorm on the way for her books.  


This one is a bit shorter. And unfortunately the next update will be on Sunday until Saturday. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and getting to know her two best friends a little :) 

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