Britney exclaimed loudly butting her head into my business "Omg, any girl would usually be flaunting and happy that two attractive guys are competing for their love!"

My life has definitely turned into one of the sports racing books or movies where you can usually predict the outcome of the race that somebody else was going to get hurt either way, I always would be rooting for Mason to win although, I was going to make it harder for him get me to his girlfriend because I was going to play hard to get since I didn't do that to my ex-boyfriend of one year so maybe that was where i went wrong. And now everyone knows who was racing against Mason.

Quite frankly, it reminds me of one the 90's movies for example, Grease that our friends charlie was obsessed with whenever it came to be her turn to picked out any movies on our group movie nights she would usually choose to picked a movie like and i felt like was constantly reliving it in my present anyways,the heat in this room was killing me so we basically snuck out of class to watch our university baseball team when i couldn't help but notice that one of the team member called Sebastian Hugo seemed really into my red hair friend her, you know it was really bad seeing your friends being interested in dating her boy best friends for four years now, however, Wyatt must have been blind not to notice my incredible five foot five half italian friend had been pining over him for years on end now. The loveable goof sometimes does baffled me as i was about to embark on my match-making journey during halfway through the baseball team break even the best match-makers had a backup plan in case this one did not fall through not to mention i was the type of supportive friend who support someone no matter how bizarre it might seem i would be there for them.

"I'm a little bit thirsty for a bottle of water, do anyone want something before i go?"i asked as i send a wink to Sebastian to get the memo.

I walked down the stairs of the stands and quickly making my way toward the entrance of the building to pay a visit to the vending machine to get mango smoothie when i felt someone lightly my shoulder and then the same person brushed my hair from behind my ear whilst quietly whispering in ear "i see you are trying to set up your red hair friend with a baseball captain Sebastian in hopes that she will get over Wy."he said to me.  I don't know why i was imagining that he carefully pressing my back against the walls of an empty hallways  once i turned around even though i think maybe he was respecting my boundaries because  it was so silent everyone else were still in their classes or training for their sport teams outside and in the ice rinks eventually i shook my head for having those intrusive thoughts in my mind it was so unlike me to envision it happening right now.

Another moments goes by i confessed to him as i nodded my head including smiling at him that i did indeed tried to set up my friend Ave, with someone to help get her mind off her boy best friend / crush all in good intention also being a Ava or Wyena nonetheless, i was still working on their ship couple names for when he started to falls in love with her. In addition to this, i was obviously hoping that she finds happiness in whatever forms it was or else she might have to joined the pact that Jessa, Natatila, Charlie and i made two years ago before she had met her boyfriend Asher and she had just moved in to my housing building around campus now it was merely Charlie and me hence why she deserve a chance of love after pushing me to put my dating bans on hiatus for recently to meet someone who would treat me like their queen.

"What are you doing out of hockey practice?" I asked him a question with a brow raised.

He chuckled at my curiosity as he glanced down at my lips to straight back up at my eyes to meets my gazes after he watched me put lip balm on my lips as i put it back in my bomber jacket pocket and then this moment reminded me of when we were standing in the rain the last summer because he keeps finding me alone by myself at least this i wasn't talking to myself with my very active alive imagination reading a romantic book, spending some in the music room to messed around such as singing on the microphone and happily dancing in the dance studio alongside my friends other than that i sometimes changed up my to do list. I took off my bomber jacket because it was getting hot in here soon i thought that maybe i should dyed my hair again in a different color since sometimes I think that i look like a twenty year old fairy hmm maybe i should waited until it gets longer as my mind tend to start wandered a little bit.

Puck, The Fine Lines |The Rockwell series#3Where stories live. Discover now