least talented (Notme x Author) hanahaki

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Inspired by a prompt on YouTube
"If you started and ended a book with the same sentence, what would it be?"

(No one's pov)

“Being the least talented is tough!” Author jokingly exclaimed to her friends as she struggled with the fire spell. She was trying to get a small flame, but the most she could do was an ember.
She laughed as she tried anyway.
Notme loved that laugh. He loved her smile, her personality, and she was beautiful. He had the biggest crush on her, to the point where whenever she called him “friend”, he got a huge pain in his chest.

He recently realized the reason behind the pain.

“Hey guys, I gotta go to the bathroom, be right back.”
Notme speedwalked away, and the second he got there, he keeled over and vomited tons of blood and flowers.
He coughed and coughed until his lungs felt slightly better.
His loud hacking didn’t go unnoticed.

“Notme? You ok?” He heard Author’s voice. He realized he forgot to close the door.
Author immediately noticed the blood and petals, instantly recognizing the signs.
“I-I’m sorry I never told you…” he stammered. Author was pale and in shock.
“How long has this been happening?” She questioned.
“3 months…” he replied hesitantly.
“I’m so sorry, I was scared to tell you… how much I loved you…”

Author sat next to him, rubbing his back.
“Hey, I’ll do anything to help you. If loving you means I don’t lose you, I’ll do it.”
Notme sobbed.

Weeks upon weeks passed, and Author was still yet to find a spark of love. He brought her so much joy, but she still only saw him as a friend. No matter how many dates they went on, no matter how many times they cuddled, no matter if they kissed or not, she still couldn’t find anything!

Months went by, Author used her healing spells to help keep Notme alive longer. But the flowers persisted. Vines started to grow around his neck, signaling his fight was coming to a close.

Author opened Notme’s door, only to be met with a horrifying scene.
Notme had bloody flowers spilling from his mouth, a trash can full of them sitting next to his bed. He wasn’t breathing, and his face was pale. It seemed he had choked on them in his sleep.

Author sprinted over, hugging him.
“No no no, this can’t be happening!” She exclaimed. “Notme? Notme, please wake up!” He didn’t respond to her cries.

Author’s other friends ran in, covering their mouths at the sight. Nyla was by far the most upset of them, she saw Notme as a brother.

Author cried and screamed, begging for him to wake up, but it was too late. She couldn’t save him, and his death was her fault.
She uttered the phrase that started this, tears in her eyes.

“Being the least talented is tough…”

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