Trouble (Notme and Charles Calvin)

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Headcanons: Yes, this is Henry Stickmin, specifically the "triple threat" route, Ellie is a good guy. Charles basically adopts Notme, who also has telekinesis.

((Notme's point of view))

Last thing I remember was walking through my neighborhood, before feeling a sharp pain in my shoulder, then I passed out.

Now I'm awake again, only able to feel fabric around me. I could tell I was on the floor, since something was up against my back, gravity pointing towards it. I tried to see what was going on, but it was near pitch black, only a zigzag light right next to my face. It felt like the ground was rumbling. I could feel my arms pressed to my sides, my ankles and knees tied together. There was something in my mouth. That's when it hit me. Am I tied up in a duffel bag?!

I tried breaking free of the binds, but I was just too weak. Guess all those years of malnutrition have caught up to me. I grunted as the bag slid and threw me against an object or wall, I couldn't really tell. I realized I was in some kind of vehicle that just took a sharp turn. It was then that I heard a short conversation. I couldn't make out the whole thing, just something about a person called Sven.

The vehicle came to a jerking stop. I heard a loud clang, like a car door opening, and felt someone roughly pick up the bag I was in. I was loudly whimpering and whining in fear and discomfort.
"Oh hey look, he's awake. I can hear him." Someone said in a blunt, monotone voice.
"Ugh, just take him to the chief already!" Another, more feminine voice said in an annoyed tone.

((Charles's point of view))

Henry and I were talking to the general, my adopted dad. We discussed the status of the toppat clan, when a female communications officer burst into the office.
"General! We just got reports on the toppat clan!"
"Really? What are they doing?" General Galeforce inquired.
"They just kidnapped a boy around 14 years old. One of our spies saw them carrying him into a large van going east, presumably towards their base!"
"Okay then. Henry, Charles, go get Ellie. Take your helicopter. We will report via your headphones what to do next." The General commanded. We immediately did what we were told, alerting Ellie and heading in the direction of the vehicle.

We arrived at a large cargo ship, which I assumed was their base.
"How are we gonna get in and find him?" Ellie asked Henry.
"I'll just use my power. Please don't let the teleporter be an option..." he mumbled the last part.
His eyes glowed like they always did when he picked an option. He pulled out a grappling gun and an earpiece.
"Ellie, you know how to fly a helicopter, right?" I asked. She nodded, taking the pilot seat. "Land it somewhere safe, we'll be back soon." Henry took hold of my hand, grappling us right through a window. Shards of glass flew everywhere as we toppled across the floor of an empty security room.
"Ow.. that went better in my head... ow." Henry said.

We stood up, and I looked at the cameras, seeing if the kid was on them. I gasped in horror as two topphats tortured a small boy in a blue hoodie. He screamed in fear and anguish. The label on the video feed said, 'brig, room 1' . Henry and I looked at a map on the wall across, and found the brig. It was on the lowest floor.
"Charles." Henry grasped my attention. "I'll watch the cameras, and help you find a safe path to the brig. You, go get 'em." I gave a reluctant but determined nod.

I carefully made my way to the brig, avoiding toppats along the way. With Henry's help, I made it to a short hallway, with doors on one side, all labeled. The first room said "room 1: Nolan Plexsy". So his name is Nolan. I thought. I peeked through a window in the door to see a large room, with the boy tied in the middle. He was covered in cuts and bruises, and looked thin, like he had been starved. I hid behind a corner as two toppats walked out, laughing and joking as if amused by what they just saw. I slipped into the room, and cautiously walked towards the boy.
"Charles, don't go in! Someone's still in there!" Henry exclaimed through my headset.
But it was too late.
"Well, what do we have here?" A blonde haired man spoke in a heavy Swedish accent. He pointed a gun at me, before starting to rant about being the new toppat clan leader. I saw my vision begin to glow, several choices appearing in front of me. But... isn't this only Henry's power?
Three options were there.
Take Gun,
Nolan's power.

I didn't know why, but I felt like Nolan was the right choice. I looked at him, and suddenly a circular, golden shield fell beside him. He nodded at me. I picked up the shield, throwing it like a frisbee. It hit the toppat in the head, immediately knocking him out. I waited a few seconds before untying the boy. He took the cloth out of his mouth, attempting to stand. He stumbled like crazy, falling into my arms.
"What was that?" Henry asked through the headphones. I ignored him, just trying to comfort the kiddo. He was whimpering, afraid after all that happened.

"Hey, hey, it's okay! You're safe now!" I assured him. He squeezed me tightly. "Cmon, my friend Henry and I will help you out of here." He hesitated to follow me, but I was able to convince him. "I'm Charles by the way."
We quickly made our way back to the security room, where Henry was waiting with a rope. We scaled down the side of the ship, but on our way back to the Helicopter, some toppat members spotted us.
"Hey, those are government people!" One shouted. They drew their guns, about to fire, but Nolan jumped in front of us, summoning that same golden shield. Only this shield was massive. The shield dissolved into sparkles after they ran out of ammo. He outstretched his hand, causing all the toppat members to float into the air, grasping their necks. He threw his hand to the side, and the enemies flew into the side of the ship.
We sprinted to the helicopter, and clambered inside. We started flying back to the base.

((Notme's point of view))

"I have. So. many. questions." Charles stammered.
"Well, I have even more than you!" Henry  exclaimed. I sat silently, still processing everything. A few tears were streaming down my face, which I wiped away.
"Do you know what his name is?" Henry asked Charles.
"The label outside the door said his name was Nolan."
"Okay Nolan, do you know why the toppats kidnapped you?" Henry asked.
"I don't, but I can only assume it was because I have telekinesis." I replied, nervously fidgeting with my sleeve. "And... the ability to summon certain weapons."
"Do your parents know what happened?" Charles asked in concern.
"No. They're dead... they died protecting me from people who wanted my powers. all i know was they were protecting me from people in top hats."
Charles and Henry looked at each other in pity and guilt. Tears streamed down my cheeks, onto my coat. I desperately fought the memory, telling myself that looming in the past will only hurt me.
But I couldn't help it. I remembered how I hid in the basement as gunshots rang overhead. I remembered the bloody sight of my parents' dead corpses. I remembered that it really felt like my powers were the only thing left to live for. I remembered how it felt to be truly, truly alone.

I was finally broken out of my trance when Charles hugged me. This was the first time I've been hugged by someone in 5 years. I grabbed the back of his military jacket, sobbing.
"I'm so sorry." He said, rubbing my back.

"Guys, we're back." Ellie notified. Charles held my hand as we walked towards a tent with a man around age 50 inside.
"General! We found him." Charles said, smiling.
"Oh good. We can return him to his parents." The general stated. Charles and I looked at each other.
"Actually, we can't. His parents are dead. They died protecting him from the toppat clan. It seems they really want his telekinesis."
"His what? Telekinesis?" Crap...
Charles explained everything. The general simply walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Son, it seems you found some company." He told Charles. His eyes lit up.

Charles became my new foster dad.

(I got lazy)

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