Flower shop (Notme x Sweet)

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inspired by @bridraws123 

(Sweet's pov)

I was opening up the flower shop that I worked in. I was thinking about our most regular customer, Notme. He was super cute. He came in and bought flowers for his girlfriend every day at 7:00 am, an hour after we opened.

7 o'clock came around and Notme came in as usual, but looked really down.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. He sighed.

"My girlfriend broke up with me..."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why?!"

"Yeah. She apparently found someone better." He wiped a tear.

I stared at him with wide eyes. I got out a piece of paper, writing my phone number on it.

"Here," I handed it to him, "if you need someone to talk to, just let me know."

He smiled tearfully and nodded.

Notme walked over to the flower arrangements, focusing on the morning glories.

"Heh, never knew why she didn't like these, they're my favorite."

I recalled how he once mentioned how he never bought flowers for himself, only for his girlfriend. So I didn't know what his favorite flower was until now.

"By the way, what's your favorite flower?" He asked.

"Oh! I like Primroses. The pink and yellow are beautiful on them." Just like how blue is beautiful on you, I thought, blushing.

He stayed in the shop for a while, talking to me. At one point my coworker Detective burst out of the back room excitedly.

"Sweet! Look at this cool plant I grew!" He exclaimed. "It's a cross between a morning glory and a primrose!"

Detective ran off giggling, probably excited to create more plant hybrids.

Notme and I looked at each other and blushed. There was an awkward silence before he spoke again.

"Hey uh, wanna get a coffee together sometime?" He said softly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I'd love to!" I replied with a smile.


((Notme's pov))

Ok Notme, stop. Freaking. Out.

I had to keep telling myself that, it was just a hangout with Sweet! We were just going to get some coffee, nothing too fancy.

But what if she doesn't show up?!

No, don't think of that!

What if she finds me weird?!

Nope, don't worry about that either!

My internal rambling went on and on. I quadruple checked my appearance, made sure I had everything, and tried calming myself down.

The doorbell rang. I almost ran to answer it.

Sweet stood there...

Holding a bouquet of morning glories.

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