The look on the Lunar's face was priceless. 

"I'm joking, what's your number?" Eclipse asked and the Lunar glared "Eclipse's never joke, they are horrible people" Eclipse froze up staring before simply saying "oh" Eclipse straightened himself, not at all knowing what to say to that and KC sighed.

Eclipse watched KC give them a plate of scrambled eggs and the Lunar snarled "I don't want it-" KC said in a firm tone of voice "you're hungry." The Lunar turned away and Eclipse said "wow, their difficult" KC sighed "I think it's because they don't trust me" Eclipse sighed "most likely" he heard Fate stirring slightly and he turned over, he saw Fate open his eye tiredly and look at Eclipse before mumbling "oh... the morons are back..." Eclipse gave him a offended look.

Fate looked down at Nsheios before simply sighing, he didn't push away the small sleeping frame, just let him sleep. "You two are finally getting along huh?" Eclipse said amused and Fate grunted grumpily "don't get used to it..." Nsheios stirred slightly before stretching suddenly, nearly punching Fate in the face.

Fate flinched back, before giving him a grouchy face. He poked Nsheios's face "hey, you just almost punched me" Nsheios grunted "sorry..." Nsheios just kinda laid there silently, snuggled in Fate's arms. Eclipse watched amused before turning back to the Lunar "okay, so, tell me your name or I'll call you Lunar, you seem to not like that... which is sad" the Lunar glared.

"Fine. So you don't abuse the name of The Great One-" they snarled and Eclipse said "wait but that's your name too!" they snarled "it was, but now it is only for The Great One, he's the only one that deserves it." Eclipse gave them a shocked look, and they looked confused by his face "what?" Eclipse turned to KC who had an equally shocked look.

"I- but- that's your name!" Eclipse stammered "it's not just Lunar's! You should be free to use it!" the Lunar grunted "foolish lowly, you really are smooth brained huh?" Eclipse wasn't at all fazed by that at this point and just let them finish, "The Great One is the greatest most powerful of the Lunar's! Only he deserves that name, we deserve numbers, you lowly peasants deserve the mere and sad name lowly's, nothing else. Fits your brains." Eclipse gave them a shocked look.

"So. You think you're not worthy enough to be called your own name?!" The Lunar shrugged "yeah? I don't see the issue, ya'll are making a big deal over nothing-" Eclipse sighed "KC give them to me" the Lunar stiffened before stammering "uh- I think I'd rather stay with this- uh- Moon-" Eclipse noticed their reaction before sighing "never mind, okay, can I know your number?" they shook their head and Eclipse decided to push them, they decided not to tell him now.

"Okay, then I'll call you Lunar." They glared before snarling "don't-" Eclipse said "okay LUNAR do you want these eggs?" they growled shrinking back as though the name were tainted, almost like they were scared of being called Lunar.

Eclipse gave them a concerned look before asking "does the idea of being called Lunar scare you...?" they shook their heads and Eclipse was starting to feel uncomfortable with this. Never has he ever seen someone so afraid of being called their name, "did Lunar threaten you or something...?" he asked concerned, at this point from what he's heard... that sounds like something Lunar would do.

"I swore my loyalty because he kills people who aren't loyal!" they said softly and Eclipse was silent, looking at their damaged body, he got some very... bad ideas on how that could have happened. "Umm, did Lunar do this to you?" he asked softly, his voice was caring and soft. However, it seemed to confuse and disorient the Lunar more than anything.

"U-um- well- big misunderstanding-" they stammered and Eclipse's ray twitched and he sighed "if it makes you uncomfortable, I won't push you about that topic, but I do at least want your number" they looked around nervously, before they started struggling harshly in the tight blanket burrito, which to them, seemed like a prison. 

KC grunted trying to contain them and Eclipse took them gently, he felt the KC sized frame freeze up as they realized who was holding him. They looked at him nervously before shrinking into themselves into a smaller size, Eclipse gave them a pity filled look before gently holding them in a way that would make them more comfortable and saying in a soft tone of voice "it's okay... shhh" the Lunar seemed confused by his nice behavior.

They were silent, staring at him and Eclipse smiled "you're safe... it's okay..." KC sighed "you're already better at this than me son" Eclipse chuckled and said softly "can you please eat the eggs?" they looked at the eggs, however they looked like they were having an internal battle. Eclipse sighed "It's okay... I'm not gonna force you, just relax okay, he set the stunned Lunar on one of the recliners, making sure they were nice and comfortable.

"I'll leave the eggs right here" he said softly, putting the eggs on the table next to the recliner "you can eat them when you feel comfortable, but they will be cold so..." the Lunar just stared at him like they'd seen a ghost.

It made Eclipse a bit uncomfortable but then it occurred to him that most Lunar's are abused by their Eclipse's, his behavior may be very sudden and shocking to them. Especially due to the fact Lunar probably made all Eclipse's seem bad, that wouldn't surprise him at all considering how... Eclipse used to treat him... guilt filled Eclipse then. He looked down at the Lunar sadly before leaving to get a glass of water, he put it next to the plate of eggs gently. The Lunar was watching his every movement,  and Eclipse patted their head gently and said "I'll leave you alone now... okay? You can tell me if you need anything" they just stared and he walked off to the kitchen.

He was exhausted but he decided to stay awake for the Lunar, he wanted to get the Lunar used to his presence, he made some coffee real quick and sat down  on the recliner next to the Lunar took out his phone, scrolling it silently as he sipped his coffee. He didn't make any movements towards the Lunar, nor did he talk to them. Moon's snores are heard along with Lord Eclipse's faint comfortable purrs, Eclipse felt a bit bad for Lord Eclipse knowing that he'd probably wake up and have a massive freak out when he sees the Lunar. 

So Eclipse was prepared for that.

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