"Whatever," He grumbles out, folding his arms over his chest defiantly.

"Well then..." She steps closer to him and pats his arm lightly before continuing in an overly dramatic tone, "Sir Knight, I challenge you to prove yourself worthy by winning me one of those lovely prizes at yonder game stall!"

Xavia snorts, a thin smirk forming on his face, "Playing games now? Don't we have enough of that in our lives already?" 

He quirks an eyebrow up but makes no move to refuse the challenge. It's not like they have anything else important to do right now.

"There is one condition though," He says as he begins walking towards the game Dusk pointed out, "Once I win your 'lovely prize', you're going to go easy on me for the next three days."

Dusk chuckles at his words as she follows suit, "Deal. And don't you dare cheat!" She adds playfully while pointing a finger toward him. Her gaze then shifts to the game stall and the various trinkets and plushies arranged neatly for display, each one waiting patiently to be claimed by their future owners.

"Cheat? Me?" The white-haired man feigns innocence, his face contorting into a full-blown grin, "I thought you knew me better than that. Besides, it's not cheating if I just happen to be good at this."

He's already looking over the game himself now, noticing every small detail and calculating for the best strategy. A rush of adrenaline washes over him and despite everything, he enjoys these little moments with his partner.

Dusk crosses her arms and watches him with a smirk, her eyes gleaming with amusement, "Oh trust me," She replies with a teasing lilt to her voice, "Your 'good' usually involves some extra... tricks."

He chuckles, his dark eyes flicking to meet hers, "Dusk," He begins, leaning in close and lowering his voice, "In our line of work, isn't being 'good' all about using every trick we have up our sleeves?"

She laughs softly in response to his words, shaking her head as she leans back against one of the wooden posts holding up the game stall's awning, "Alright," She admits, raising her hands in defeat, "I'll give you that one."

"You're getting soft on me, Dusk," He remarks with dry sarcasm as he straightens up and glances back towards the game booth. 

Xavia greets the worker behind the counter with a curt nod before turning his attention to a game called 'Load the Pirates Cannons'. It bears a striking resemblance to Skee-Ball, albeit with a swashbuckling theme. Seemingly straightforward, he picks up a ball, ready to give it a try.

"Watch and learn," He states confidently, a smirk tugging at his lips as he prepares to throw the ball into one of the targets. The minimum wage worker looks at him with boredom clear on his face, clearly disinterested in yet another arrogant participant.

"And you're getting cocky," She retorts while watching him.

As he releases the ball and it rolls straight into one of the holes, Dusk can't help but applaud his effort sarcastically, "Very impressive, Xav."

Xavia rolls his eyes at Dusk's remark but doesn't suppress his triumphant grin, "See, told you so," He responds with an air of overconfidence before going for another shot.

With each successful throw, Xavia gradually accumulates enough points to secure a prize. True to his word, he allows Dusk the honor of selecting their reward.

"Alright, your pick. Choose wisely," He mutters, though his grumble lacks conviction, betraying a hint of amusement.

She grins, stepping forward to inspect the prizes. Her eyes are drawn instantly to a plushy of Robin Hood with his little green hat and bow. She picks it up, giving Xavia an impish look, "Look at him! He's adorable!" 

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