Pocket Watch

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Two suspicious men stand near the back door, their faces hidden behind ski masks, one with a gun and the other unarmed. The leader of the crew aims his weapon squarely at Maeve, "Everything good? You didn't tip anyone off, did you?"

She responds with a tremulous nod, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, "No. It's all clear. I just told the new girl that she's on her own for now."

Dusk's heart pounds in her chest as she listens, hidden around the corner. The revelation that Maeve is involved in some sort of heist sends a chill down her spine. She knows she can't afford to be caught here now, not with these men armed and dangerous.

She had planned to bide her time waiting, until she spots the kind front desk worker, Takeshi entering the scene, his concerned voice ringing out, "Maeve, what's happening here??"

Maeve's eyes subtly widen at the intrusion, her heart pounding as the leader gestures his gun toward the old man, his gaze narrowing skeptically, "What are you doing here?" He snarls, "I thought you said this whole area was empty."

In a split second, the situation had turned from potentially dangerous to outright deadly. The leader's eyes bore into Takeshi, his grip tightening on his weapon. Maeve is frozen in place, her own fear echoing back at her from the innocent worker's wide-eyed stare.

Maeve quickly shakes her head, trying to placate both parties, "No, I didn't know he would be here. He must have-"

The leader cuts her off with a wave of his hand, turning his attention fully onto Takeshi, "This doesn't change anything. You, old man, sit down and shut up if you want to get out of this alive."

Dusk's heart thumps loudly in her chest, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She knows that she needs to act, and fast. The lives of Maeve and Takeshi are hanging by a thread. And if those heist men discover Dusk too...

Her hand grips the smooth plastic handle of her baton, its familiar weight anchoring her in the moment as she peeks around the corner, taking in every detail.

The man with the gun has his back to her, an opportunity she can't afford to miss. His partner stands further away, engrossed in whatever Maeve is saying. Swallowing down her fear and doubt, Dusk silently steps out from behind the corner. She moves swiftly yet cautiously since she knows one misstep could spell disaster for everyone involved.

As soon as she's within reach of him, Dusk lunges forward and swings her baton at his weapon-holding arm with all the strength she can muster. The unexpected force sends his gun flying across the room before he even knows what hit him.

Before anyone else can react, she pivots on her heel towards the gun-less man. He's caught off guard by this sudden development but quickly recovers and makes a grab for something inside his jacket, most likely his own weapon, but Dusk doesn't give him that chance.

With a deft movement born from years of training under Kana's strict regimen, she leaps forward to deliver a swift knee to his midsection. The man doubles over with a grunt of pain, his hand falling away from his jacket.

With this momentary distraction, Dusk whirls around to face the leader again. He's getting back onto his feet and reaching for something at his belt, but she doesn't allow him the opportunity to retaliate.

With a precise jab of her baton towards his knees followed by an uppercut aimed right at his jawline, he crumples to the floor unconscious before he can blink.

As the dust settles, there's a moment of stunned silence. The two men are down and out for the count, much to everyone's surprise. Maeve is the first to snap out of her shock. She darts forward, rushing past Dusk and towards the old man.

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