Robin Hood's Renfaire

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- - - HARLINTON // JULY 2ND - - -

Walking amidst a colorful sea of costumed individuals, Xavia doesn't even bother to suppress a strained sigh. He and Dusk had been tasked with retrieving a Medieval Tapestry currently exhibited at a stall within the crowded Robin Hood's Renaissance fair. The worst part of their mission is undoubtedly their disguises. Xavia finds himself dressed as a performer, clad in silver knightly armor, a sword holstered on his hip.

Meanwhile, Dusk explores the fairgrounds alongside him with wide-eyed excitement, marveling at the myriad costumes, merchants, and attractions. The archer is dressed in leather pants, a violet tunic, and a cloak, with a wooden bow slung across her back. 

She looks over at her partner, who had been much quieter and snappier than usual today, raising her eyebrow curiously, "You okay there, Xav?"

"Fine," He says gruffly, curt with his answer. His hand clenches around the sword at his side subconsciously, an action that doesn't go unnoticed by Dusk.

"Xav," She starts, crossing her arms over her chest as they pass through the crowd, "If something is bothering you... You can tell me."

Xavia's gaze flicks over to her, his eyes guarded, "I said I'm fine," He retorts again, but there's no bite in his voice this time and that subtle softening prompts Dusk to look at him more closely.

Xavia hates how seen he feels around Dusk sometimes. It unnerves him but oddly comforts him at the same time. As a loner most of his life, having someone who cares enough to notice the little things feels strange... But not entirely unwelcome. However annoyingly persistent she can be, part of Xavia is glad she's here with him now. After all they've been through together, there's a close bond between them.

The dark-haired woman studies him for a moment longer before finally sighing, "Alright, Xav," She responds, sensing that pushing the topic will only make things worse. 

She realizes he's not ready to talk about whatever is bothering him yet and decides to change the subject instead, pointing towards one of the vendor stalls selling different kinds of weapons.

"Hey, look! They have some cool swords there!" Dusk exclaims excitedly as they approach closer to it.

Keeping his resentment tightly clenched in his teeth, Xavia only hums at her suggestion. The blades gleam under the sunlight, and he finds himself fleetingly wishing for a pair of scythes instead.

"Enjoying yourself?" He shoots back tersely, "I'm here to do our job, not dawdle around," His gaze flickers away from her when she twirls one of the swords carelessly with a bright grin on her face.

Despite his moodiness today, he can't help but admire how unbothered Dusk is by it all, like a sunflower stubbornly turned towards the light despite being surrounded by shadows. Damn irksome sunflower.

She chuckles as she continues to mess with the sword, her playful demeanor not dampened by his gruff tone, "I'm just making sure our cover is believable, Xav."

She twirls again and ends it with a dramatic bow towards him that has some of the onlookers clapping in amusement. Dusk then straightens up and hands back the weapon to its vendor before looking over at Xavia once more.

"Besides... I think you could use a little fun yourself," She retorts lightheartedly.

"Just because it looks like fun to you doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy it."

"Ah, always the downer," Dusk teases with a roll of her eyes. But there's a small smile on her face as she observes Xavia, knowing that beneath all that prickly exterior lies someone who just needs to let loose for once.

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