Whimsy Waxworks

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"The objective this time is none other than Abram Lincle's pocket watch," Aurelius announces cheerfully, leaning back comfortably in his chair and gesturing expansively with one hand while holding onto his brandy with the other, "Quite the prestigious item! It's currently being displayed at Whimsy Waxworks with his wax figure, but they're moving it to a new museum tomorrow. You'll have until 6pm when the museum closes to retrieve it."

He turns towards Xavia teasingly, "Unfortunately due to last time's... Incident," He snickers lightheartedly at the memory, "Only Dusk will be able to do this job. Xav will be the lookout."

Xavia grunts in response, crossing his arms over his chest and sinking further into the leather seat in front of the desk, "Fine," He mutters, shooting his employer a sidelong glare as he adds, "No need to say anything more about the incident."

Zane chuckles quietly, amused by Xavia's annoyance and Aurelius' words. He looks at the two of them before shifting his gaze to Dusk, "I've already gathered all the necessary information," He says casually, tapping on the digital tablet in his hands, "The security is tight but not too complicated and as far as I can tell there are no nen users amongst the staff."

"Oh, and Xav..." Zane starts, "Don't get caught again, okay?" He remarks jokingly.

"Wait, wait," Dusk interjects, shooting a puzzled look at her partner, "What incident is everyone talking about?" She glances between Aurelius and Zane, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. There's an impish twinkle in the eyes of both men that tells her she's missed out on something entertaining.

Xavia's expression hardens as he gives her a pointed look while grumbling, "Nothing you need to worry about," He glares at Zane, muttering something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like 'Asshole'.

The navy-haired man just grins at Xavia's mumbled insult, "Oh, don't be so embarrassed," He teases, turning to Dusk with an amused smirk, "Our Xav was caught stealing from the Whimsy Waxworks without his Hunter License on him last time," He chuckles again at the memory before continuing, "So, Aurelius had to bail him out by pretending to be his grandpa."

Aurelius throws back his head and laughs heartily at Zane's recount of the incident, "Ah, that was quite a day! Never thought I'd have to play 'grandpa' for anyone."

Dusk bursts into laughter, clutching her sides and bending over in mirth, "Xav, really?" She gasps between giggles, glancing at Xavia with a playful sparkle in her eyes. She can't help but imagine the scene, Aurelius pretending to be a doting grandpa while Xavia complains in the background.

Xavia glowers at everyone in the room, his face growing hot, "Alright, alright," He growls out, standing up from his chair and pacing to the other side of the room, "Can we just move on? I'm here to work not recount my most embarrassing moments."

It takes everything in him not to storm out of the room right then and there. He takes a few deep breaths in an effort to steady himself, ignoring the flush covering his cheeks.

Zane raises his hands in surrender, feeling all too satisfied at Xavia's flustered state, "Very well," He says, still chuckling lightly. He faces Dusk and brings up the details of the security system and the layout of Whimsy Waxworks on his tablet.

"Indeed! Let's move on to the mission details," Aurelius agrees, yet a wicked grin is still playing at the corners of his mouth. He leans back in his chair, taking another sip of his drink and then gestures towards Xavia and Dusk with his glass, "I trust you both will handle this with utmost care."

Dusk nods along as the navy-haired man explains the intricacies of their mission, her amusement still lingering as she glances periodically at Xavia, "Got it," She declares eventually, flexing her fingers and offering Aurelius a confident grin, "We'll have that pocket watch by tomorrow."

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