North Sinnet Island

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Xavia sits quietly, using his pocket knife to sharpen a wooden stick. He rests on his jacket, using it as a makeshift pillow, his expression clouded with a familiar sulkiness.

This mission had turned into a complete disaster.

Sure, they had located their target, an ancient stone tablet adorned with various carvings. But why did it have to be on North Sinnet Island of all places? A place notorious for its hostility towards outsiders, where simply setting foot could mean certain death. How Zane even learned about this relic is beyond him.

Now, he and Dusk are holed up in a cave, evading the natives whose numbers were already dwindling. On top of everything, the stifling heat is unbearable. With their boat destroyed and backup yet to arrive, all they can do is play the waiting game.

He notices Dusk about to speak and swiftly cuts her off.

"Save your words, Dusk. The more we talk, the higher chance they'll hear us," Xavia grumbles, eyes never leaving his task of sharpening.

He can already see it in her face though. She's going to once again argue with him about not killing the locals, but he's fucking tired and just wants off this island.

It's not that he doesn't understand where Dusk is coming from. It's noble but it only further complicates their already delicate situation. Besides that, this kind of thing is their livelihood, their job, goddammit.

"Xav, these are innocent people. They're just trying to protect their home from outsiders like us," Dusk hisses back in a whisper, her mismatched eyes narrowed with stubborn resolve.

She sees the tension in Xavia's jaw as he works on the makeshift weapon, his silence speaking volumes, but she refuses to be swayed by him or any other immoral force out there.

Leaning against the cave wall, he shoots her a weary look, his dark eyes hardening.

"Dusk, we're not here from them," He says flatly, holding up the ancient artifact they had stolen from its resting place on this island, "We were hired to steal this and that's what we did. I'm not interested in playing hero or villain... I don't care about these people any more than I do anyone else out there who doesn't affect my life directly."

Dusk's gaze falls on their target in Xavia's hand, her heart sinking with a mixture of guilt and frustration.

"Xav, just because we were here on a job doesn't mean we get to disregard their lives," She states firmly but quietly to avoid detection.

She can feel his stubbornness emanating off of him like heat from a fire. But beneath it lies something else... A hint of concern? She quickly dismisses the thought, knowing wishful thinking will only cloud her judgement here.

"Yeah, well sometimes the job's more important," Xavia mutters back, making it a point to not look at her. His fingers close around the coveted artifact tightly as if seeking reassurance from its cold hardness, "I'm not here for a morality lesson and I sure as hell didn't come to make friends with every native on this damn island."

His voice is raw around the edges, an undercurrent of anger simmering beneath his usual gruff demeanor. He slides his gaze towards Dusk, icy brown eyes meeting hers unapologetically.

"Xav," She starts, trying to keep her voice even despite feeling like slamming him into the wall behind them, "If we disregard their lives for our jobs then what makes us any different from those people who hurt others just because they can?"

"Listen, Dusk," He starts sharply, his voice echoing against the stone walls of their temporary hideout. It comes out rough and hoarse from exhaustion, but strong nonetheless, "This isn't about being 'different'. It's not a matter of morality or principles here. We're invaders in their land, intruders who have come to steal what they hold sacred."

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