The Velvet Room

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- - - THE VELVET ROOM // MAY 4TH - - -

Donning an expensive suit and a scowl on his face, Xavia orders another drink from the bartender, trying to drown out the music playing loudly in the background. When he receives his drink, he swiftly downs its contents in one gulp. Nightclubs, especially such upscale ones, are not his thing. He feels completely out of place.

A sigh escapes his lips as he reminisces about earlier in the day, recalling the moment when he and Dusk stood in Aurelius' office, listening intently as Aurelius and his assistant outlined the details of their next job.

"The Starlight Serenade Necklace is an expensive piece of jewelry that's adorned by diamonds in such a way that it looks like twinkling stars in the night sky when the right lighting hits it," Aurelius explains to them while holding up his phone with a photo of the necklace, "It has such fine craftsmanship that everybody is after it. I wasn't able to get it at the last auction I went to."

"It's beautiful..." Dusk breathes out as she studies the photo, "Did someone outbid you, sir?"

"Indeed! Zane and I had a hard time tracking it down again until recently," Their employer responds rather jovially, despite himself, "It was gifted to Isabella Montague, a rich socialite who lives in Angeles Hills."

Zane nods along before cutting in to finish off Aurelius' explanation, "She's been spotted wearing it and has been fronting a high-end nightclub called the Velvet Room. Aurelius has secured entrance for you both. You'll just need to play the part."

"Now's a great time for you to use your charm, Xav!" Aurelius muses with a wide grin, "Seduce her and get me that necklace!"

"Seduce a woman at a nightclub? I guess even old rich guys like you know what fun is, Aurelius," Sarcasm drips from every word, but internally, Xavia isn't thrilled about this. 

"I deduced that this would be the easiest way to steal the necklace," Zane explicates, his hands behind his back, "Please do your best to win her over, Xavia."

He glances towards Dusk, her expression unreadable, "Any brilliant ideas on how to charm our little socialite?" He inquires with an eyebrow raised high and mockery flashing in his dark brown eyes.

"Well, seduction isn't exactly my forte," She admits sheepishly, tugging at a loose strand of her hair in embarrassment, "But maybe you can shower her with compliments? Flatter her vanity and manipulate her emotionally to get what Aurelius wants?"

Xavia chuckles dryly under his breath before scoffing, "How romantic."

He snaps out of his thoughts and back into the present time as another drink is placed in front of him.

Dusk, clad in a simple violet dress, stands beside her partner, watching him as he finishes off another glass of liquor. She furrows his brows in concern as she wonders, "You okay there?"

Running a hand through his gelled back hair, Xavia nods, "Yeah," His brown eyes scan the room once more before he pushes off from the counter and stands to full height, "Let's get this over with."

"Right," Dusk nods, her heart pounding in her chest. She isn't sure whether it's because of the mission or Xavia's close proximity that unnerves her. 

He strides off without another word towards Isabella Montague while Dusk watches him for a moment before retreating to a safer distance where she can keep an eye on both Xavia and their target. 

Xavia fights the urge to glance back at Dusk as he heads towards their target, shaking his head slightly to rid the thought from his mind.

Smoothing down the lapels of his jacket, the white-haired man straightens up and puts on a confident grin. He makes his way over to Isabella, a blonde-haired woman donning a silver dress, her neck adorned with that damn necklace. He manages to catch her eye as he approaches.

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