You Know What's on my Mind?

Start from the beginning

His concern for my comfort was heartwarming, but I needed him to understand how I felt about this too. "I want to make you feel good too. I want to feel your skin against mine. I went into this knowing that I wanted to give you pleasure in return." I pulled back to look him in the eyes. "I'm just nervous that you won't like it, or that I'll do something wrong." Admitting to my fear of not being enough for him was harder than I thought it would be. Towards the end of my confession, my voice was progressively getting quieter and quieter until I was having trouble hearing myself at the end.

"Oh baby." Tony put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up so that we were looking into each other's eyes. "Anything, and I mean anything you are comfortable doing would be perfect. Even if you don't want to do anything besides lay here and cuddle. That would be perfect and do you know why?" Here he paused just long enough for me to shake my head in a negative way before he continued. "It's because you ARE perfect, and I don't ever want you to do anything that you aren't comfortable with or doubt yourself." I had never heard Tony speak as openly and honestly as he was at this moment.

There was no hint of sarcasm in his voice. There wasn't a smidgen of his over-sized ego the size of Texas trying to break through his seriousness. Not even a trace of the possessive and dominating man that he had been mere moments ago in his body language. In his voice there was only honesty, affection, and slight concern for my well being and state of mind in his dulcet tones.

While my body had cooled off from the previous hours pleasure, I could still feel little Tony pressing up against me from where I was sitting on his lap. The seriousness of our conversation didn't distract me from my end goal of making Tony come. On the contrary, seeing and hearing the emotions that he was portraying to me only made me want him more.

With a wicked smirk at Tony, I gave my hips a soft experimental roll downwards against his erection. "I want this." I told him confidently as I pressed my lips to his again. I used Tony's broad shoulders to help me maintain my balance as I continued to roll my hips against his. It took me a minute to find a good pressure and rhythm, but once I did, I had both Tony and I moaning together in bliss.

While I wanted to continue with what I was doing, I had to stop moving my hips when Tony decided he wanted to maneuver us into a different position. In a few seconds our bodies were slightly rearranged so that while I was still on his lap, his legs were hanging off the side of the bed and his feet were planted on the floor.

"I never turn down a beautiful woman. Well now I will because you're it for me, but you get the idea. Remember, I only want you to do what you're comfortable doing. You get uncomfortable or even a little twitchy, and we stop. This is non-negotiable." Tony spoke firmly and clearly, and there was no doubt in my mind that he would enforce what he had just told me.

I nodded to him to show my understanding, and let my hands trail down his arms so I could give his hands a loving squeeze. "Can I take off your shirt please?" My voice was breathless as I asked him that question, and I caught a devilish smirk appearing on his face as he looked me up and down.

"Well who am I to deny my lady love something she desires?" Was his reply.

Without any hesitation on my part, I reached for the edges of his tank and dragged it up over his ribs. He was chiseled like a God and I found myself wanting to lick his abs. Maybe next time. Once again I began biting my lips as my eyes roamed over his defined features. My fingers followed the same path that my eyes took. I trailed my fingers across the dips and ridges of his muscles as I pulled his shirt up and over my head, before I discarded it somewhere on the floor.

Letting my hands roam his shoulders and get acquainted with the feel of his skin against my own, I felt no shame whatsoever in feeling him up. I also didn't let the opportunity to give his biceps an appreciative squeeze pass me by. Tony was letting out small sighs of pleasure, and feeling emboldened by his response to my ministrations I dropped my head to place a soft open mouthed kiss to his defined shoulder muscle.

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