Chapter 10 - Not Chuck...

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After we left the Glade it wasn't as far a run as I thought it would be.

I ran beside Newt the whole time not wanting to leave his side.

We finally got to a corner and stopped, Thomas looked around the corner and sighed, "Griever?" Chuck asked, "yeah" "shit". "Take this Chuck, stay behind us with Teresa" Minho said handing Chuck the key. "Once we are through, it'll activate and the door will open, okay? We stay close, stick together and get through this. We get out now or we die trying" Thomas said, we all nodded. I looked up and Newt and he said, "we will be fine, trust me" I nodded and literally my hands up.

We all ran round the corner and started yelling at the creature trying to intimidate it. It screeched and charged towards us. They started trying to back it off with there spears whilst I tried to hold it back with my magical stuff, whatever it is. The key was knocked out of Chucks hands. "The key!" He screamed, "Chuck watch!" I shouted, abandoning the Griever and tried pulling Chuck up from afar, "Teresa help!" I strained, she ran over and pulled him up as well. Once I seen he was safe I turned back to the Griever, I grabbed my knife and started going for it.

We got it over the edge but two more came up, it took everything in me to push them back without my knife, the bright green shield could only hold them back for so long, it's draining, I have to stop, anymore and I'll pass out, "Poppy again!" Thomas shouted, "I can't I'll faint!" I shouted back, "Poppy!" He shouted again. I took the last part in me and threw those two over the edge. Two more came up, I was clutching my waist whilst going to meet Teresa and Chuck who had gotten further in.

"Seven, one, five, two, six, four!" He shouted, " come on!" Chuck shouted back, "six, four, eight, three!" He added on. "That's it!" I shouted back some form of hope in my voice. They all backed up close to us when the door shut, closing us into complete darkness.

By this point I was sat on the floor, trying to catch my breath still clutching my waist. Newt came over and knelt infront of me. "Hey you okay?" He asked "I'm fine yeah, you?" I asked, "I'm good" he said with a chuckle.

A different door opened giving us light, they went through and Newt helped me and helped me walk through the door.

We got through and it lit up more.

We followed down the tunnel until we got to a door that was landed exit. "Seriously?" Frypan said sceptical, we opened the door and entered, only to be met with another room. But this room, as soon as you got in, it was filled with bodies, dead ones.

"This is pleasant" I whispered to Newt, still holding on to me. "What happened here?" Winston wondered, "nothing good I don't think" Minho said.

We walked further and we were met with a room with electricity flowing out the screens. We went over and it was the Glade, a camera on the glades. "So they were watching us" I said "the whole time" Newt finished off.

Thomas pressed a button and a lady showed up on screen, she was blonde, has her hair in a bun and dressed in all white. She started talking.

"Hello, my name is Dr Ava Paige, I'm director of operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. If you are watching this, that means you have successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you...but circumstances seemed to have prevented it. I'm sure by now you must be very confused, angry, frightened. I can only assure you that everything that has happened to you, everything we've done to you, was all done for a reason. You won't remember but the sun has scorched our world. Billions have lost their lives to fire, famine. Suffering on global scale, the fallout is unimaginable. What came after was worse, we call it the Flare. A deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable, incurable. Or so we thought. In time, a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly there was a hope for a cure, but finding it? Not easy, the young would have to be tested, even sacrificed, inside harsh environments, where there brain activity could be studied all in a effort to understand what makes them different, what makes you different. You may not realise it, but you are very important. Unfortunately your trials have just begun. As you'll no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods, progress is slow, people are scared. It may be too late for us, for me, but not for you. The outside world awaits. Remember...WICKED is good."

The video cut of with her shooting herself in the head, I turned away not being able to watch, I seen the lady, on the floor, gun not to far.

A alarm went of and doors opened up to another hallway. "Is it over?" Chuck asked, "she said we were important...what are we supposed to do now?" Newt asked. "I don't know" Thomas murmured. "But let's get out of here". We went to walk on. "No" a voice said, we turned around and it was the last person I thought it would be. "Gally?" I asked still holding newt for support. "He's been stung" Teresa said, "we can't leave" he said shaking, I looked down and he held a gun. "We did, Gally we are out" I said "we are free" Thomas said. "Free?" He asked "you think we are free out there? No, there's no escape from this place" he said raising the gun and pointing it at Thomas, "Gally put the gun down" I said. "We can help" Thomas said, "I belong to the maze" he said crying, "we all do" he said as he pulled the trigger. Minho immediately threw a spear to him and it hit him in the chest. I looked at Thomas and he was okay. Did it hit someone. "Poppy?" A small voice asked turning to me. "Chuck?" I asked looking at him. I looked at him and he had been shot in the chest.

He started to fall and we grabbed him to lay him down softly, I put pressure on his chest trying to stop the bleeding. "No Chuck no, shit shit shit" I said "look at me, look at me Chuck" I said clutching him. "Hang on just a little longer, okay, you'll be fine I promise" I said tears streaming down my face. "Pops" he said, "yes?" "Don't make a promise you can't keep" "no chuck, don't" "take this, he said handing me his carving. "Give it to my parents from me" I took it, "thank you for everything" he said, he stopped, he stopped breathing. "Chuck? Chuck no!" I screamed. "No!" I kept screaming, "love come here" Newt said, "get of me" I said pushing Newt away from me, "Help me, Help Chuck please" I said. "He's gone..." Newt said also crying. I wouldn't let him go I can't. "I've lost Alby I'm not losing him now so fucking help me Newt!" I screamed. He gave me a look. He's gone and I knew that, I just can't. "Wake up Chuck...come on, wake up" I kept saying, "we made it just a little further just wake up" I said. "I'm sorry..." I said, I stuffed the carving in my pocket then I hugged him, not caring if his blood got on my clothes.

Everything went numb, I can't hear, I feel like I can't speak and I feel like I'm going to throw up all at once.

I felt someone tug on me. "Let me go!" I managed to shout but the stranger picked me and pulled me away.

They got me in a flying thing and took of. I was sat there, still crying as Newt pulled me close to him.

I must've fell asleep as when I woke up, people were yelling at me left right and centre, something about my new life.

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