Chapter 1 - Greenie

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My eyes open to get another day in this place. I'm Poppy and I'm from a place called the glade. The glade is home to one girl, me, and 35 other boys. Every month the box, which is basically a cage, brings up a new greenie. Someone had to be the first right, me. I spent a month alone in the glade. If I'm the first to come up to the glade I should be in charge right? Wrong, the next few boys that came up just wouldn't listen to me, so I took it upon myself to appoint Alby as our leader. But at the same time I kinda am in charge, when ever there's a disagreement in meetings or something like that I get the final say and what I say goes.

Today's the day the box brings someone up, probably a boy though. I wish they would just send a girl up.

Finally the doors in the ground open, all the gladers gather round to see what and who they sent up. It was a boy with dark hair, and dark eyes, he wore dark brown combat trousers and a blue top. Alby and Gally opened the doors of the box and gally jumped in. "Day one Greenie, rise and shine" we heard Gally say as he pushed the boy out. "Take it easy Gally!" I shouted. "Kid looks like a slopper" "I could use help in the kitchen" all those small comments were passed around us.  He pushed pass us all and went running. They all shouted and cheered at the sight of him running. "Poppy?" Alby asked me. "For gods sake" I muttered and sprinted after the boy.

I'm the fastest in the Glade, but they won't let me be a runner, most think becuase im a girl I can't chase of greivers or remember the routes we take. Bullshit it is.

I caught up with him in ease and pushed him to the ground. He looked back at me and immediately stood up and started at me. "Don't think of running again Greenie" I said putting my hands up. He stopped, stared at me and looked around. "Take it all in now, gonna be here a long time" I said walking away as two of the boys took him to the slammer to calm him down.

I walked back over to the group of boys and got pats on the shoulder but I pushed them all off. "Nice going Poppy" a blonde boy said to me. "Why won't you let me be a runner Newt? You know I can Alby knows I can so why not?" "Because it's to dangerous for you" he said I tiled my head. "You are the only girl in the glade, you have to stay safe" he said. I rolled my eyes and headed of to the forest.

Before I could even make it to the border of the trees Alby came over to me. "Poppy care to show the Greenie around?" "Fine" I said and walked to the slammer.

I finally made it there and the greenie was trying to unlock the lock. "It won't work" I said clearly giving him a fright. "If I unlock it, you won't run away this time?" He didn't move so I unlocked it and he climbed out. "What is this place?" He asked while murmuring. "Welcome to the Glade, now can you tell me anything about yourself and who you are?" I asked. "No" he whispered, "name?" I asked "no, why don't I remember anything" he panicked. "Calm down, it happened to each and everyone of us" I said. "I'm Poppy, follow me if you want a tour" I said closing the slammer door.

"We eat here, sleep here, live here, grow our own food, build our shelter here in the Glade. What ever we need the box provides, everything else is up to us" I said walking through the grass. "The box?" He asked, "yeah it comes up once a month with fresh supplies and a new Greenie, this month it's you congratulations" "by who, who put us here?" He asked. "That, that we don't know".

We continued walked and newt came up to us, "ahh Poppy, Greenie" he said acknowledging him. "Green bean meet newt, second in command somehow" I said joking about the last part. "When Alby is away I'm in charge" "good thing he's always here then" "thank you Poppy" I heard Alby say from behind me. "Some dash you made earlier, thought you could be a runner-" "you're joking Newt? Come on he's been here for not even a day and already offering him a runner, fucks sake" I said walking away.

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