Chapter 8 - Grievers

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I woke up again that morning and went straight to the gardens, it's early the maze doors just opened. I started picking all the fresh fruit. Once I finished, I went over to where the new layer of mud was put and started digging holes to put the sticks in.

Suddenly there were loud bangs, coming from the Maze, loud enough it woke everyone up.

We ran over to the doors and more banging continued, other people were curious and we gathered round the open doors.

"Darling what's happening?" Newt asked me running over, "I know just as much as you do".

Not to long later we seen Minho and Thomas running out. "The hell you done now Thomas?" Gally asked, "we found a newt passage" Minho said "it could be a way out" Thomas said, "wait really?" I asked, "yeah we opened a door something I've never seen before, it must be where the grievers go during the day" "wait stop hold it, your saying you found the grievers home, and you want us to go in?" I asked, "it could be our way out" "yeah or there could be a dozen grievers out there waiting for us on the other side, truth is Thomas doesn't know what he has done per usual" Gally shouted from the back of the crowd. Thomas stopped and faced Gally, "at least I did something Gally hm, what have you done apart from cowering behind the walls?" Thomas said. "Im'ma tell you something greenie, you've been here what? Three days, I've been here 3 years-" "three years and found nothing, what does that tell you" Thomas shouted. "Maybe you should be in charge", "guys!" Teresa shouted, "it's Alby", I sprinted off to the medjacks, Newt not far behind me, followed by some other boys and teresa.

I ran in and seen him sitting up word, clearly been crying. "Alby?" I asked in a soft tone kneeling in front of him, "Alby are you okay?" He didn't respond to me. "Hey Alby" Thomas said sitting next to him, "we might have just for a way out" I said smiling. "We could be getting out of here" Thomas said. "We can't" he whispered, "we can't leave...they won't let us" "Alby what are you on about?" I asked him. "I remember..." "what do you remember?" Thomas asked, Alby looked directly at Thomas, " were always their favourite Thomas, always...why did you do this, why did you come here" he said tears coming down his face. Boys started shouting outside. "Jeff, Clint Stay here with Alby, make sure he's okay, get him to tell you what he remembers okay?" I said, the nodded and we ran of.

We ran out and I seen Winston, "hey Winston what's happening?" I asked, "it's the doors, they aren't closing" I grabbed a fire torch and ran towards the doors. We stood there in confusion. "Why aren't the closing?" I asked, suddenly the ear scratching sound made us all cover our ears , we looked around, the other doors are opening, the 3 others.

"Chuck, Frypan go to the meeting hall, barricade the doors okay?" He nodded, "thanks guys" I said as they ran off.

"Winston, Minho, find any weapon you can, meet us at the meeting hall after", they nodded and ran off. "Tersea, Thomas go get Alby" Newt said, "run! Grievers!" Boys shouting running away from one of the doors.

We looked into the maze and we seen at least 5 Grievers, just at the door we were at, "hide now!" I shouted as we all scattered across the glade.

We ran into a field with massive grass first, we stayed there as quiet as we could, until Zart got taken, "get to the village!" Thomas shouted, "grab Alby!" I shouted after.

We went to meet at the meeting hall just like we said, some boys grabbed Alby and brought him with us "what's going on?" He asked, "the doors aren't closing, Grievers are here" I said.

I was running when I looked around, "where's Newt!" I shouted, "Poppy not now!" Thomas shouted, "no, Newt!" I shouted, "Meeting hall now Poppy!" Thomas shouted. It took all my power to not turn back and look for him.

We got there and got Alby in, we locked all the doors, I looked about for Newt but I couldn't see him, I seen a blonde boy stressing in the corner next to Alby, it's Newt. "Newt" I let out a sigh pushing past boys trying to get to him, I hugged him not wanting to let go.

It went quiet.

Too quiet.

The Griever jumped on the roof and made a loud bang, me and Newt stood up getting ready to attack. It stuck its tail in, breaking the roof and pulled out the supporting log that held the roof up.

A griever stuck its tail in and grabbed Chuck, we all tried pulling him back and it work, thanks to Alby, Alby went up with the stick and broke the end of its tail, pulling the stinger away.

Another Griever stuck in, he grabbed Alby, I grabbed onto him and pulled him down with all the strength I could, "Poppy get them out, let me go!" "no Alby, I can't do that" I said tears streaming down my face. "Goodbye Pops" Alby said as he let go of me and let the Griever take him, "Alby no!" I screamed, "Poppy come here, don't go out there!" He shouted as I pushed through the door. The glade was on fire, with grievers screeching in the distance.

Everyone had came out now, three figures were storming over, Newt pulled me back as I broke down in his arms, "no" I kept saying, my face puffy with tear, "I know love, I know" he kept saying. "Why him, Newt, it should've been me, it's my fault" I kept saying.

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