Chapter 7 - Did it work?

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Me and Newt went to my hut and sat down on my hammock.

We sat there for a good while in silence, not so comfortable as before.

"So, how am I going to stop this?" I asked, "how about me, you, Clint and Jeff all meet in the med-hut, once every month and check up on you?" He said, "yeah, let's try" "and even if that doesn't work we will think of something, I promise" he said, "could you-" "don't worry love, I'll sort it" he said interrupting me.

Me and Newt sat there until Chuck came storming in. "What is it?" I asked, "it's the girl, shes awake" Chuck said. "Let's go then, it will be good to have another girl around" I said, i grabbed Newts hand and we ran out to the medjacks hut. When we got in she wasn't there. "Where is she?" I asked, we then here banging and shouting from outside, we looked out and she was on the roof of the tree house throwing rocks and sticks at the boys.

We ran outside and over, I grabbed a spare large piece of wood and held it over me not wanting to get hit. "Come down here" Gally kept shouting, "she isn't coming down Gally" "what do you want?" She shouting down not stopping though.

I went over to Chuck who was keeping his distance not wanting to get hit.

"Are all girls like this?" He asked, "presumably yes but I've learnt to put up with all of you" I said ruffling his hair. He giggled and put it back to normal. The objects stopped, Thomas started Climbing up so I jogged over to see what was happening. "So?" I asked, "she's only going to talk to Thomas " "so back to work then" I said clapping my hands.

We all went back to our work.

Me and Newt were working on the gardens until Thomas and the girl called us over and said to follow them. We followed them until we got to Alby.

We soon found out she had found some blue liquid in a vial, with the letters W.C.K.D.

"We don't even know what it is" Newt said as we were surrounding Alby decided to inject him or not, "plus it had W.C.K.D on it, they sent us up here, it could kill him" I said looking down at Alby. He's in pain, even the dumbest of dumb could realise that, he had a single black vain running up from where he was stung to his head, he was breath funny, eyes scrunched in pain, it was horrible.

"Poppy he's already dying, look at him, we try it now and save him, how can this make it any worst" Thomas said pointing at Alby. "It's worth a try", "alright, do it" Newt said holding me. "I can't" I whispered and turned and buried my face into Newts chest. Thomas walked slowly over to Alby and leaned over his chest, he hesitated to inject him until suddenly Alby grabbed Thomas and pulled him by his shirt, "you shouldn't be here" he shouted, Newt let go of me and went to help Thomas, "get the syringe!" Newt shouted, I grabbed it and stuck it into his chest.

He immediately calmed down and let his arms fall, he was still breathing though. "Someone staying with him at all times, don't leave" I said.

"Hey" we heard a voice from the door, "sun down Greenie, come on" it was Gally. They both walked outside and he but Thomas in the slammer.

Night fall came me and Chuck , decided to sneak out to go see Thomas.

Me and Chuck walked up, "who's there" we heard him say, "it's just us" he said as we both sat down. "Sorry guys" he apologised, "here, you'll want to run on a full stomach" I said giving him my dinner, "what about yours?" He asked, "I can live till morning" I said. "Thank you" he said, "hey what you got there?" He asked Chuck, referring to the small wooden carving. He held it up against the wood and showed him, "well that turned out pretty damn good didn't it" he said, "what's it for?" Chuck looked down, so I answered for him. "When we get out, he's going to find his parents and give them to him" I said smiling at the sweet thought. Chuck looked back at the doors, "what do you think you and Minho will find tomorrow?", "I don't know Chuck, but if there's a way out, we will find it", he looked at me and I nodded, "sorry Thomas but we need to get to bed, Gally will be wondering where we are" I said, "take this" Chuck said to Thomas, handing him the wood carving. "What...what are you doing, why are you giving me this?" He asked, "can't remeber them anyway".

"Here Chuck, come back" Thomas shouted, we both went back over, "put out your hand Chuck" he did "I was you to give it to them yourself" Thomas said handing the carving back to him. "We are going out of here, all of us, I promise". "Yeah" Chuck whispered, "alright, one Thomas don't make a promise you can't keep and two sorry but Chuck it is well past curfew so bed, now" I said.

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