Chapter 5 - they live

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I woke up bright and early that morning, it was still dark. I sat next to the door, leaning against the walls. I sat there with my head lent up against the wall.

I sat there for what felt like forever when Chuck joined me, clearly as anxious as I was. He sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder.

"Do you think they survived?" He asked, "nobody survives I night in the maze Chuck, you know that right, I just hope they will, it's Abby after all" I said. Putting my arm around him. "I think they have, the Greenie Thomas, he'll do it" "I hope so" I said. We sat there in silence until we heard the doors moving.

I stood up first and rushed over to the doors. I stood there until they were fully open. 

By this point other boys stood round me and chuck as well, anticipating to see a sign of life. The doors fully opened and no sign of them. "They aren't coming back, I'm sorry Pops" Newt said with a hand on my shoulder. "No..." I said tears brining my eyes. Most boys gave up and started walking away slowly but I didn't move. "Minho!" I screamed seeing him and Thomas carrying Alby. "It's them!" I shouted again, they all turned back round and started screaming and cheering.

"Let him down" I said as Minho and Thomas got back to the Glade. They lay Alby down on the floor, he was clearly hurt, but still breathing. "Medjacks, over here!" I shouted, they ran over with a stretcher and got him on, then rushed inside to care for him.

"Did you see a greiver?" Chuck asked, "yeah i seen one" Thomas said still in shock. "Not only did he see one, that shuck-face killed it" he said, I stared at Newt in confusion. No ones ever seen it and lived never mind kill it. "Meeting hall, now" I said instructing them all.

I ran to go see Alby, he was lying down on a bed with Clint and Jeff attending to his wounds. "How is he?" I asked, "stung" Clint said just above a whisper. "We need to banish him" "not yet...wait and see how he is, don't stop caring for him" I said running out the door to the meeting.

When I entered the meeting hall, I was greeted to the sounds of chatting and shouting. "Things are changing...there's no denying that...first Ben gets stung in broad Alby. And the Greenie has taken it upon  himself to break our one of our rules, don't go into the maze. Clear violation" Gally said, "but he saved Albys life, if it wasn't for Alby none of us would be here, we'd all be confused and a mess, Alby stopped that didn't he" I said, "did he save his life?" Gally started. "For 3 years we've lived with these things and now you've killed one, who knows what that could mean for us" Gally said as well. "What do you suggest we do?" Newt asked. "He needs to be punished" he said plainly. Shouting started amongst the other gladers. "Minho, you were with him what do you think?" Newt asked, "I think, that in the whole three years we've been here, no one has EVER killed a griever and lived to tell the story, when I bailed out and ran, that shuck head stayed behind to help Alby, putting his own life in danger, look I don't know if he's brave or stupid, but what ever that is we need more of it if we want to survive. I say we make him a runner" Minho said. "Runner?" They all started saying. Newt looked back at me asking for help as I sat on a plank of wood in the corner. "Right shut it" I said, they all went quiet, "I decide we make him a runner-" "what!" Gally shouted, "but, he is in the slammer for a day-" I was interrupted yet again, but not by shouting, of a protest. It was the sound of the box. I looked at Newt then Gally, we ran out and waited for the doors to open. I opened the gates and jumped in. There was no supplies in the box, just a girl. "Poppy what is it?" Boys shouted. "It's a girl..." I said. I opened the note she was holding and red it aloud. "She's the last one ever".

Suddenly she jumped awake, didn't look about, "Thomas" she exclaimed then fell make into her deep sleep.

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