Chapter 6 - Teresa

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The med-jacks had taken her in until she woke up, Thomas, Newt and Minho, I went with them but not to see her, I wanted to see Alby.

They were talking to Jeff and Clint when Alby started struggling, I noticed they had to tie down his arms and legs. I pulled up a chair and just sat there staring at him.

"Come on Alby" I kept on repeating quietly. I only seen Thomas run out and say he was going back to the maze, Minho followed him and Newt came next to me.

"Hey there Pops..." he said pulling up a different chair. "How long until we have to banish him?" I asked, "I don't know", "well I will try to postpone it until we figure out what to do with him, I can't lose him Newt" "I know you can't" he said and he intertwined his hand with me. His wrist was pressing on my cuts, I wanted to pull away but I couldn't. "What's wrong?" He said seeing my tension. "Nothing" I said to fast, I folded my lips together. "Pops?" He asked. I didn't look at him, eyes swelling with tears, I could feel his eyes on me. He looked down at my arm, his hand still pressing. He started slowly but surely pulling up my sleeve. He seen the bandages and started to unwrap them. He seen the fresh cuts, and the old ones. "Poppy...why?" He asked. A tear fell down my face. "It's all to much, being here in the Glade, for threes years I've struggled like this Newt...3 years" I repeated. "Right come on" he said softly taking my hand again. "No Newt where are we going?" I asked, "too see Clint and Jeff. They should know" he said. I nodded and stood up with him.

We headed through and sat down. "So Newt, Poppy, what seems to be wrong?" He asked, Newt looks at me and I looked down not wanting to talk. "Come on Poppy" Newt said. I rolled up my sleeve and showed them. I could feel everyone looking at my wrist. "We should get them clean" Clint said shakily. Jeff went to grab a clean wipe.

"This may sting" he said, he pressed it against my skin. I wanted to scream in pain but I couldn't, as if my voice had been sucked out my body. "You're doing good, just a little more" Newt said.

He finished up and wrapped them up with fresh bandages.

Newt and the two exchanged nods and they left.

I looked up at Newt, feeling something, not like the green light thing, but a warm fuzzy feeling, I look down at me, first my eyes then alternating between my green eyes and my lips. We both leaned in and kissed, we both pulled away then just stared at each other. "I don't know what to do now..." he whispered. I grabbed his hand and went to the forest. We sat at the bottom of the tree in a nice silence.

"So, what now?" I asked, "I'll start" he cleared his throat. "I like you Poppy, like a lot, I've liked you since I've been friends with you, I never thought you liked me the same just like a best friend, and if you don't that is fine, I just wanted you to know" he said, "well Newt, I've liked you for sometime now, I probably never made it very clear but I do" I said. We both smiled at each other and laughed a bit.

We just sat there talking and laughing about anything until Minho came over. "Poppy can we talk?" "Yeah sure" I pecked Newt on the cheek and walked over to Minho. "Wanna go in the maze?" "Huh" "Thomas is going back in to inspect the griver that he caught since it was stuck in the walls, it's still there" "count me in, just one second" I said.

I ran over to Newt and said to him, "Newt, I'm so sorry, I'll be back in a few hours" I said, he tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, "we will talk about it later i promise, go into my bedroom and get it from under my bed please" I said lowly for hi. To hear. He nodded and then I ran away with Minho.

We ran further into the forest and met up with Zart, Winston and Frypan. "Good call Frypan, knew she'd come" Minho said. I smiled and walked round and seen Thomas, "this be enough?". Thomas nodded his head and we set of.

We ran for about 10 minutes until we found it. We ran over to it and it was horrible, slimy and you could see its insides being squished. It was wierd, its legs had wires but it had flesh like an animal.

"That's disgusting" Zart said, "there's something there, just there" I said pointing not wanting to get to close to the dead thing. Minho seen it as well and stuck his hand in it. "Minho what-" suddenly the thing moved, I pulled Minho back by his harness thing. "I thought you said it was dead?" I said, "reflex?" Frypan suggested, "you hope" Winston said. "Let's try pull it out" i suggested grabbing on to its mechanical leg. "Ready? On three, one, two, three" Thomas said as we all pulled on the leg.

It detached and we went flying back into the wall. Minho went back and grabbed the device that was coating in goopy flesh. He pulled it out the flesh and it made a wet sound, horrible. "The hell is that?" Thomas asked. "Interesting" Minho said as we inspected it. "Okay whatever it is, can we take it back to the Glade, this place is starting to freak me out" Frypan said, "he's right, it's late" I said, we all jogged back to the Glade.

Once we got back we immediately went to go find Newt knowing we could trust him.

"Newt?" We asked, he was at the gardens and we pulled him into the meeting hall, where Gally was. We handed him whatever that was.

"We found that, inside a greiver" I said, "W.C.K.D those are the same letter on our supply's" Newt said confused, "so whoever put us up here...made the greivers" Thomas spoke, "this is the first thing we've had, the first clue, the first anything we've had in three years" I said, "we have to to go back out there, who knows where that could lead us" Thomas said again. I looked at Gally and he had an unimpressed look on him. "You see what he is trying to do right?" He asked "first he breaks our rules, then tries to convince us to completely abandon them, the rules are the only things keeping us safe and alive, why are we now questioning them? If Alby was here he would agree" "No Gally, if Alby was here, he would want any hope of getting us out of here" I said, "well in any case, that shank needs to be punished, "we are sticking to my plan then, making him a runner, but in the slammer for 1 night" "Poppy come on-" he said getting all up in my face. The boys didn't like that, "woah woah Gally back up" the started saying pushing him back away from me. "For gods sake" Gally said walking out. "Well done, you're a runner now, but you need to go to the slammer before Gally goes of his head even more than he already has" I said. He nodded and thanked me as him and the rest of them walked out, leaving me and Newt.

I sat down on one of the steps when Newt started talking. "I can't believe you went in the maze" I know and I'm sorry, it's just, after being in here for 3 years, struggling this much, then finally finding out there is a small possibility of us leaving, i don't know how to feel, all I know is that as much as I love this place and love my friends here, I want to get out" I said. "I understand but just please don't go back in, I don't know what I'd do without you Pops" he said sitting next to me.

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