Start from the beginning

I don't think I'm looking forward to this.

Walking out into the courtyard, (Y/N) followed Basile all the way around the lavish building until they reached one of the four main halls to the throne room. Traversing down one of the halls, Basile threw open the double doors of a room to reveal a lavish bedroom. A bed sat in the center with black silk sheets, floor to ceiling windows on the adjacent walls covered in thick, heavy black curtains, and other smoothened oak furnishing inlaid with golden accents occupied the room as well.

As soon as she stepped inside, her nose wrinkled, the vile smell of iron overcoming her senses.

She stepped backwards.

Two bodies lay in the middle of the room, staining the grandiose carpets on the floor red with blood. Their glassy eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling, the jagged cuts on their throats an indication where so much blood had come from.

(Y/N) ripped her eyes away.

"What... happened here?" She demanded hoarsely, disgusted by the sight before her.

"I trust you will not reveal what I am about to tell you," Basile began lowly with narrowed eyes, straightening his cuff link as if such sights were an everyday occurrence. "These men were assassins disguised as servants sent by the Chalar Kingdom. I'm sure you already know of the revolting woman they have as Queen, so you not?"

"Yes," she swallowed thickly. "I do know."

"Good—then you know it's best not to ask anymore questions," Basile spoke once more, his cool gaze blazing through her form.

"Yes... sir."

"Appreciated," he nodded. "Now, please clean up this place. I expect satisfactory results."

With that, he left.

Thinning her lips, (Y/N) inhaled deeply, steeling herself before setting to work, starting with the bodies first so the smell that they were starting to emit wouldn't spread. Rags and buckets soon littered the floor as she mopped up the spilt blood that was just beginning to dry, the water soon taking on a pink tint that darkened the more ground she covered. Having to stop herself from retching multiple times, relief flooded through her when somebody finally came to take the cloth-wrapped bodies and ruined carpet away.

She was so relieved when they were gone.

I wonder... do people see these dead assassins, and think they were killed for no reason?

From the way Basile acted, only a few select people know about these attempts on the Prince's life, meaning rumors will abound.

I guess Banco... was wrong.

Shaking her head, she then chastised herself for overwriting blatant murder, even if it was in self defense. If Adrian could kill someone like this, he could kill anyone whom he thinks opposes him, including her. She knew well enough that she needed to make sure she continued her job without garnering anymore unwanted attention, especially if she didn't want to become the next dead body that would hit the floor.

Scrubbing the blood splattered floors and windows, washing the sheets that also had traces of blood, and replacing the carpet, she stood back after completing her work with a nod.

"I see you've completed your task," a voice commented, startling her.

She looked up.

Adrian stared down at her, a brow raised.

"Greetings, Your Highness, the Lesser Sun of the Empire," (Y/N) was quick to greet and bow before Adrian, remembering his words even if he had spoken them a month ago. "As Basile had ordered, I made sure to clean this room thoroughly."

"Thanks," he hummed. "You did well. I can't even smell the scent of blood."

"I thank you, Your Highness."

"Yes," he continued, swiping a gloved finger along one of the windowsills, nothing coming off as he expected. "After all, it would be hard to sleep here at night if it smelled like a corpse."

"Pardon?" (Y/N) glanced up.

"You didn't know?" Adrian turned back to face her. "This is my bedroom."


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