🇨🇿x🇸🇰 Coffeeshop Czechia x Slovakia

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So this is my second request, by someone who messaged me and wanted to remain anonymous.
Czechia is a male, who owns a coffeeshop, likes takling, is extroverted and can easily get emotional/attached.
Slovakia is a female, who is more of a cold, emotionless person and dislikes talking. (I kinda gave her a soft spot for Czechia towards the end)
I again can only say that I really love this idea and am looking forward to writing this, I hope you like this story and how I interpreted your headcanons.
Thank you so much for requesting!
(I think I fucked it up, I'm so sorry)
Words: 2979

There she was again.
That woman, she was tall, had long, flowing, white hair and gorgeous, green eyes. Everyday she came in around the same time, late in the afternoon. She ordered a cappuccino and sat down in the back of his little coffeeshop. She always sat by the window, opened her hair and started to read. He always tried to strike up a conversation with her, but she never engaged. She didn't even look up from her book.
Half an hour, she never stayed longer. But that time was enough, Czechia had fallen for her. He just never managed to get to her, like she had gotten to him, without even trying.
He knew he should give up, not push his luck, he feared he might get too annoying and drive her away. But how could he give up a woman like that? He couldn't.
This went on for a long time, he tried to interact with her and she'd ignore his attempts. The little shops regulars knew all about his crush by now, it had turned into their main talking point. It were always the same questions:
Do you know her name by now?
Has she talked to you yet?
Any luck with that lady?
It was always the same answer, no.
It felt hopeless. His regulars came up with things for him to try.
Give her flowers!
She left them at the table.
Give her a biscuit more with her cappuccino!
She leaves it untouched on the saucer.
How about a box of chocolates?
She also left them on the table.
Did you compliment her?
She ignores anything I say, that isn't the bill.
It was devastating, to say the least. Nothing ever changed, for months and months, it felt like, he could have also just talked with a wall. And whether he liked it or not, it started to take a toll on his self esteem. Mabye he wasn't all that likable after all?
One day tho, his luck seemed to have turned. She was a few minutes later than usual and not alone. Another woman was with her, one not unfamiliar to him. He almost lost it then and there, tha last bit of his self control preventing his jaw from falling to the floor infront of a customer. His old colleague, Germany, came in with the woman he so desperately tried to get to know over the past year. They ordered something from one of his employees and went to sit down at the exact same table she always sat at. He finished serving the elderly couple and then his undivided attention laid on them. His mystery lady drank her cappuccino and read her book, as she always did. Germany drank a coffee and also focused on a book. They only said something every few minutes, but it was never much, just a few short sentences.
After about 45 minutes his lady said her goodbyes, paid for her cappuccino and left. Germany stayed, still reading and finishing a small slice of cake, she had orderd a bit later. This was the opportunity he waited, even longed for all this time. Germany still owed him a favor from their time as coworkers and this would be perfect. So he went over to her, determinedto get some answers.
She only looked up as he sat down across from her, clearly suprised, amost a bit starteled.
"Tschechien? (Czechia?)" She asked.
"Germany." He nodded. Expression serious and without any doubt.
"I need your help, you still owe me anyways."
He didn't wait for an answer. Her surprised look couldn't have cared him any less, he just continued. Germany was gonna provide the info he needed, no matter what he had to do, to get it.
"I need to know who that woman was and how I can get her to talk to me." He finished.  Her surprise dissipated and she regained her composure, sitting up straight and looking at him now, almost as if she knew something he didn't. She seemingly picked up on his desperation tho and didn't question it any further.
"That's Slovakia. She doesn't like to talk with strangers, or just anyone at all for that matter." The german started. "Why would you want her to talk to you anyways?" The question didn't fit with the look she just gave him, like 5 seconds ago, and also kinda rubbed him the wrong way. As if she just insulted his crush.
"Have you looked at her?" The annoyance was clearly audibile in Czechias voice. "She is gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous." He looked Germany dead in the eyes when saying that, not a trace of doubt to be found within him.
Germanys almost emotionless expression slowly changed, she smiled and gave a single nod.
"Her books." She answered. "Just start reading the books she's reading and try to make that the topic of your conversation. Right now she has just started reading radio silence by Alice Oseman." With that she closed her own book, put it away and stood up to leave.
"Oh, and Czechia" She turned her upper body towards him.
"Yeah?" He inquired, tilting his head upwards to meet her eyes.
"She won't leave a Camellia Pink Rose on the table, or say no to a walk through the forest, if you give her enough time that is." A slight smirk creeped onto her lips as the words left her mouth and she walked away. He turned bright red, as his eyes widened and lips parted, any snappy retort dying on this tounge. The realisation that she must have talked about him hit him like a train and had him melting into the bench, right where he was seated.
The rest of his work day was a nightmare. He was impatient to leave, fiddled with everything he could and worst of all nervous, but excited. He hated that, it confused his brain and he got a stomach ache. After another few hours of work, he could finally close the shop down and lock the door.
Once more he thanked his past self, for taking on the financial burden of buying an old house, located this perfectly. It was in the oldest part of the city, wonderful architecture and little shops and tons of people all around. Just across the street were a little flower shop and a bookstore. He got himself the book Germany had told him to get and went home, the flower would be a thing he'd want to get fresh tomorrow. Czechia normally wasn't one to read all that much, however he didn't sleep a minute in this particular night and by the time morning came he had a massive headache, dark circles under his eyes and finished the book. So that was worth it, for him at least.
He got ready, dressed in his best work clothes, hair fixed with more hairspray then ever before and his most expensive earrings. He took the book down to the shop with him and let in his employees, before going over to the flower shop and getting the rose he was told to get.

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