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Hi everyone!
I have a lot of ideas for this fic, and I hope that I'll be able to write it good enough.

This is an AU ff, where you will see the friend group of the Seven's children.

I'll start by saying that english is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes let me know so I can fix them!

Now, the cast! (All the characters you will see below were created by me).


Miles Jackson
Son of Percy and Annabeth

Miles JacksonSon of Percy and Annabeth

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Chloe Di Angelo
Daughter of Nico and Will

Olivia ValdezDaughter of Leo and Calypso

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Olivia Valdez
Daughter of Leo and Calypso

Olivia ValdezDaughter of Leo and Calypso

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Xander Grace
Son of Jason and Piper

Charlie ZhangSon of Hazel and Frank

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Charlie Zhang
Son of Hazel and Frank

Charlie ZhangSon of Hazel and Frank

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For now, these are the characters you will see the most, then I will introduce the others
(Spoiler: there's also the son of Charles and Silena MY BABIES, YES THEY ARE ALIVE)✰

Comment if you want your opinions about how the characters will be <3


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