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Amongst the crowd were Jungkook and jimin.As they stood along the crowd adorned with colorful banners and flowers, they couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation . Suddenly, the sound of trumpets filled the air as Prince Tae's carriage approached, pulled by majestic white horses he was guarded from each side infront of the carriage stood the mighty general Kim Seokjin his charms were enough to enchant the women's present infront of him but the powerful aura around him suppressed each and every soul from approaching him it carried a scent of blood . As the prince stepped out, his regal presence and charming smile captivated crowd present there . Prince Tae greeted them warmly, his eyes sparkling with kindness and grace. The commoners were in awe of his grand way and the way he effortlessly charmed everyone around him. It was a moment they would never forget, as they realized they were in the presence of a truly remarkable future ruler. The kingdom knew of his bravery and the news about his victory spread like a gush of wind Man or women, child or old could feel the bubbling excitement by his presence .

In the grand manor, where opulence and elegance intertwined seamlessly, the arrival of Taehyung, the esteemed prince, was met with a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation. The air was filled with a buzz of whispered admiration and awe as a large crowd gathered to catch a glimpse of the royal visitor. Among the sea of faces, two figures stood out - Jungkook and Jimin, their eyes reflecting a mixture of reverence and curiosity as they beheld the prince in all his regal splendor.

As the parade procession began, with banners fluttering in the gentle breeze and music filling the air, Taehyung's presence seemed to cast a spell over all those in attendance. His dignified demeanor and magnetic charm captivated the onlookers, drawing them closer in a collective display of admiration and respect. And amidst the sea of faces, it was Jungkook whose gaze met Taehyung's, It seems like Jungkook experienced a deep and instant connection with Taehyung, feeling as though he had found his love at first sight. The flames of love ignited within him, overwhelming him with emotions and a sense of longing for the prince. However, Taehyung, being a prince accustomed to admiration and attention, may have viewed the encounter as just another norm in his royal life. Despite this, Jungkook's feelings for Taehyung continued to grow, fueled by the intensity of their initial connection. As Jungkook followed his heart, navigating the complexities of love and desire, only time would reveal the true nature of their bond and whether Taehyung would reciprocate his feelings.

the storm of emotions raging within him - envy, jealousy, and a deep sense of loss threatening to consume him. As he watched from the sidelines, the ache in his heart only grew stronger, a bittersweet reminder of the fragile nature of love and friendship. In the midst of this emotional turmoil, Jimin found himself grappling with conflicting emotions, torn between his own feelings for Jungkook and the undeniable bond forming between Jungkook and Taehyung. The air was heavy with unspoken words and unexpressed emotions, as the tangled web of love, envy, and jealousy threatened to unravel the once unbreakable bond

JungKook couldn't explain the strange feeling that overcame him as he caught a glimpse of Prince Tae's face. There was something familiar about the prince that made Kook feel as if his heart was yearning to see him again. He stood there, watching as the parade moved further away, the prince disappearing from sight.

The doors of the palace gate closed not allowing any eyes into the grand palace onlookers couldnt disperse they hoped to get another glimpse of their future king .

Prince Tae rode back to the palace with his armor gleaming under the bright sun, a victorious smile adorning his face. As he entered through the grand gates, his mother, Queen KimHana, rushed towards him with open arms. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she embraced him tightly, her love for her only son shining through. "Tae, my dear, you have returned safely!" she exclaimed, her voice full of relief and love. King Kim stood tall beside his queen, a proud glint in his eyes as he looked at his son. "You have made us proud, Tae. Your bravery in battle knows no bounds," he praised, patting his son on the back. The king was overjoyed to see his heir return unharmed and victorious. The palace was filled with an air of celebration as the royal family reunited. The servants bustled around, preparing a grand feast to honor Prince Tae's triumphant return. The sound of laughter and music echoed through the halls, a testament to the happiness that filled the palace. As the day turned into night, the royal family sat down for a lavish dinner together. Queen kim Hana looked at her son with a tender smile, "I have missed you, Tae. You are truly a beacon of light in our lives." The warmth in her words made Prince Tae's heart swell with love for his family. King Kim raised his glass, a gleam of pride in his eyes. "To Prince Tae, our brave and beloved son. May your victories continue to shine bright," he toasted, the love and admiration for his son evident in his voice. And so, in the heart of the royal palace, Prince Tae basked in the love and warmth of his family, knowing that no matter where his adventures took him, he would always have a home filled with love and acceptance.

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