"Let's go and have lunch then," Iroh smiled and walked out of the room, his hands on his stomach. Jasmine briefly glanced at the prince before quickly walking after Iroh, not wanting to stay alone with Zuko.

The two of them reached the dining room and Iroh immediately sat down on one of the four cushions on the floor. Jasmine seated herself across from the old man, a floor table separating them. Her eyes wandered around the room and it came as no surprise that this room felt cold as well; nothing but a window, the table and four cushions decorated the room and its metal walls and floor. This ship is absolutely not designed for a longer stay.

"Where do the guards eat?"

Iroh briefly eyed the girl before answering. "We have a big canteen and kitchen on the lowest floor. Unfortunately there's no space on this ship for a dining room big enough to fit a whole crew."

The teenager nodded in understanding, only affirming her earlier thoughts.

Zuko entered the dining room and shot Jasmine a glare before sitting beside his uncle. The three were consumed in an awkward silence as they waited for the cook to bring their food.

Jasmine gulped and looked at her two companions, sadness washing over her. The last time she's had a proper meal was with her two siblings and her grandmother. She remembered Sokka almost choking because he quite literally inhaled his food. Katara had scolded him immediately, having Gran-Gran and Jasmine giggle. And right now, she was supposed to be with her family, celebrating Katara's and her birthday together instead of having lunch with the Fire Lord's family like old friends.

When a plate appeared in her sight, Jasmine looked up and gulped down the lump in her throat. A middle-aged man with golden eyes shot her a quick smile and nodded before setting the other two plates down as well. He straightened his posture and cleared his throat, "sir, we've been informed that the Avatar is on Kyoshi Island."

"On Kyoshi Island?!" Zuko jumped up immediately. "Uncle ready the rhinos! He's not getting away from me this time." The prince rushed out of the dining room.

The cook sent the remaining two an awkward smile before quickly leaving as well.

Jasmine looked at Iroh for a second before getting up and bowing her head. "Thank you," she said and followed the cook's lead. Once out of the room, she let out a deep breath as her appetite disappeared completely.

Deep in thought, the girl made her way on deck to get some fresh air and to calm her mind. Zuko and Iroh would be busy with the preparations and she decided to use this opportunity to get some alone time.

Once on deck, Jasmine walked around for a bit until she came to a halt behind one of the few big boxes laying around. She sat on the cold floor and leaned against the wooden box. Letting out a breath, she closed her eyes for a few moments to empty her mind of any sad thoughts.

The only important thing is that everyone is safe now. Not only were her siblings and Aang meant with that but also her village and even herself. While the Avatar and her two siblings were most likely safe and on their journey to help Aang save the world, the Fire Nation would also stay away from her village. And Jasmine considered herself safe as well; she wasn't tortured or locked up in a cell. As long as Zuko wouldn't turn her in to his father, she would certainly remain safe as well.

A sudden pain in her arm snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked down at the stinging spot and let out a hiss. The wound from earlier today had completely slipped her mind until now. Her skin was burnt but luckily not severely.

Jasmine looked around and when she saw no one on deck, she got up and walked over to the edge. Once again looking over her shoulder, she manipulated a small bubble of water out of the ocean and up to where she was standing. The bubble surrounded her hand and goosebumps covered her entire body as the water had an ice cold temperature. She paid the cold no mind and was actually glad instead as it would have a calming effect on her burning wound.

She brought her hand up to the burnt skin and slowly put it on the wound. A relieved breath left her lips at the cooling sensation but when the water started to glow lightly, she panicked and immediately removed her hand again. With knitted eyebrows she watched the water return to its normal state before her eyes scanned her wound. It had healed quite a bit.

Her eyebrows shot up when she realised that water has healing qualities. Jasmine also recalled a conversation that Katara had with Gran-Gran about various things that waterbending could be used for and healing was one of them. Oh my spirits.

Without wasting another second, Jasmine immediately put her hand back onto the wound and let the water do its magic. The wound had absorbed the glowing water and when the girl looked at the burnt spot she smiled. The burn had disappeared almost completely, an almost unnoticeable light scar taking its place instead. I should have taken care of it immediately.

Heavy footsteps snapped her out of her thoughts and Jasmine quickly looked over her shoulder. Zuko and most of his crew just came on deck completely covered in armour, followed by Iroh who was still in his normal clothes.

When Jasmine's eyes found Zuko's, he narrowed his eyes, sending a shiver down her spine. She immediately knew that he would either say or do something to keep her out of the way.

"Lock her up in her chamber!" He looked at the two guards that weren't part of their little expedition and nodded in Jasmine's direction, "do not, under any circumstances, let her out."

The two guards, among them Kano, nodded and walked up to Jasmine. While Kano only nodded at her, the other one grabbed her arm rather harshly, having her clench her jaw in pain.

"Hey, let go of me," she said through gritted teeth as she tried to wiggle her arm free which only resulted in him tightening his grip.

Zuko immediately snapped his head in their direction and sent the guard a warning glare. He immediately let go of her arm and even took a step away from her.

The two guards guided her to her chambers and as they passed Zuko, she narrowed her eyes at him.

"If anything goes wrong, we'll still have a link to the Avatar," the prince slowly said, having a staring contest with Jasmine until she disappeared behind some doors.

A huff left her lips when they reached her room and she looked at the two guards with crossed arms. Kano opened the door for her and with a clenched jaw she entered it. Turning around to face the door, the other guard slammed the door shut, Jasmine glaring at him until the door was closed and locked. I need to get out of here. This is my only chance.

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