Bloody Rhapsody (Damon Salvatore Love)

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Rhapsody, state of elated bliss or ecstasy

Nereza (Neressa) is a girl who could not understand the meaning behind these words. Being cursed with a drunk father, and a mother who died when she was young, Nereza has known only her dreary existence. Having very little time for fun, or the friends to have it with, the idea of bliss is very foreign.

Damon is a vampire who has had lifetimes of grief. Losing every woman he has ever loved, his heart has grown cold and dead. The closest thing to bliss he can find is when he feels the last drop of someone's life sliding down his throat.

When their two lives collide, life as they know it shatters. They struggle to move beyond their past and to find love; to finally be able to understand, and to feel, rhapsody.


Welcome to a little glimpse inside my mind. Kick up a chair, grab a drink, and relax! 

This is a fanfiction about Damon Salvatore (obviously), however I have tried to make it so that even if you have never seen an episode of TVD, you will still be able to read my story. With that, I promise no spoilers. I always hate that when you are still reading/watching a series and accidently learn something you shouldn't. 

Also, just wanting to give you guys a little heads up, I take little bits from the books as well from the TV series. Pretty much whatever version works best with how I want my own story to go :P 

I have tried really hard to keep things accurate, while giving them my own little twist. 

Thank you so much for deciding to give my story a chance, I truly hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it. 

Comment and thoughts are always welcome! Of course any sign of support such as votes are greatly appreciated as well. 

Now I will get out of your way so you can enjoy some Damon filled fun ;)

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