Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I was in my room. More correctly, my Ex-room. I moved out from this house 3 months ago when I got the chance in Uni. All I wanted to get away from here and never come back. But some things never let you go. It held you like a string holding something. Never mind, it wasn't important now. The room was like before when I left. I lived my whole life here. Aria Bennett created here and buried here. In my rooms there wasn't many things to notice. A single bed attached to wall, there was a study table full of old books and notes, there was a book shelf in the corner containing few books. A wardrobe in front the bed. The color of room wall was fading. It seemed darker now, creepy and cold. I was feeling suffocated entering the room. I opened the window, wooden window. I just wanted outer air could fill the room. I tried to glanced around the room. But I didn't want to. I didn't want to recall anything I've experienced here. Now I had nothing to do with that woman and her so called boyfriends.

As I was stepping , the floor was dirty. I assumed, that woman would never clean things up. The room was kinda shabby, breathing here was also like inhaling dirt. I was being haunted by a vague I couldn't escape even if I wanted.

I went towards my wardrobe. It was made of wood, there were scratches all over. It reminded me of something that I didn't wanted to remember. Aria let's get done with it and get away from here. I opened the wardrobe and found a box. Wait, it was broken. Why it was broken. Only I had key. My heart was pounding as I opened my broken wooden box. My heart sank. I was right. She did it. She had broken it and took it. I wanted to take that box with me. But I didn't. The reason was only,  I didn't want anything from this house. I never wanted anything from here which was a curse for me. But unfortunately I was here. I needed to be here. I gulped. My eyes were throbbing. I was in the same position like before. There was nothing I could change. I was feeling immense rage in my veins. The coldness enveloped and possessed me. The room felt more suffocating. I kept looking at my empty broken box.

I stood up and stormed out from the room. I came downstairs. My mind was blank. What she had done. How could she ! My gazes were searching for her. I kept my eyes roaming around the hall, my eyes were red from anger.

"Why the hell she is here?"
"Don't say like that, she is your daughter."
"Daughter? My foot."

I could here those voice were coming from the kitchen. I stormed there and I was they were preparing for dinner. I saw her smiling towards that man made me sick. What a damn actress she was!

"Hey young lady, would you like to have dinner with us?" That man saw me and asked me having a pleasant smile. I didn't feel pleasant. I felt like punching on his mouth.

"She won't, honey. She has her tantrums." That woman opened her mouth sighing.

I was in a verge of loosing my controls. Aria hold yourself. Take deep breathe okay. I told myself. I tried to calm myself.

"You went in my room?" I asked her. But she didn't reply. She was mute like I was talking gibberish.

"You went in my room and took my bank passbook." My voice cold and raspy. It was rough and dispassionate. Now she looked at me. I hated the look of her eyes. She was enjoying my anger and frustration.

"Yeah, I took." Here she was like she did nothing wrong.

I clenched my hand. She ruined everything. My breathing was fast and shallow. Eyes were red and I was looking her audacity accepting easily that she took my money. Heat was rising on my face.

"Why? That was my money. Why did take it?" I asked her clenching my teeth.

"Calm down, dear." That man said.
"Shut the fuck up. I'm not talking to you."

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