19 | Corruption & Built For Missionary

Start from the beginning

I shook my head and looked at her.

"Oh you're not?" She grumbled, and stood up and stepped back. Waving me over. "Then show me. Show me you're not scared. Come on, show me what you learned with Becky." She snapped it and waited. Paced a little in the spot. Panting. "Come on, show me!" She was very angry and loud.

I tightened my lips together and stood up on my weak knees. Wondering what the hell I should do.

I knew I wasn't gonna be able to leave the ring. The building.

Did I want to?

As much as my heart was racing and I was scared. The dominance she was showing me. It terrified me, but made me interested.

But I can't wrestle her. Obviously. And she knew that too. She wanted to do something else. I knew what she was trying to prove. "I'm sorry, Rhea. I never should have done that with Becky. I know it was wrong."

Rhea tilted her head. "I don't care about your fucking apologises, Florence. Show me what she taught you. Wrestle. Me."

I swallowed. "I know you're in control and-"

Rhea was obviously angry and impatient, stomping over towards me.


I was confused and I was scared. I didn't think as I slapped her across the cheek. Making too much contact. I felt bad. "I'm sorry."

She touched her face and glared at me. "Little fucking-" she grumbled and turned me around and grabbed my hands behind my back, pushing me into the ropes. Holding me there, talking by my ear. "Do you think what I do is a joke, Florence? That the endless hours i put into training is useless huh?"

"No, I-"

"Shut up." She cut me off and she yanked on my shorts and pulled them down to my thighs.

She licked her hand and she spanked me and I gasped, eyes widening. "Rhea..."

"That you can just do easily go and do what I do huh? Without hurting yourself?"

"But I didn't-"

Rhea slapped me again on the behind. "Shut your pretty little mouth, angel." She snapped. "Come on, Florence. If it's that easy, then, show me." She backed off and I slowly pulled my shorts back up. Turning around and seeing her watching me, eying me up and down.


I cleared my throat and tried to brush off all my fear. As I thought about what I should do now. I just need to do something.

Intent on applying a guillotine submission move Becky showed me, I moved as quick as I could and jumped. Not landing properly at all.

Rhea caught me in her arms easily before I could get a proper hold on her.


"You think what I do is easy, huh?" She said, groaning deeply as she wrenched and lifted me up, into a fireman's carry on her shoulders. "That you can just fuck around, still in recovery and risk injuring yourself? It sure as fuck feels like what I do is a joke to you." She moved me around again, carrying me, showing me that she can throw me around. I certainly couldn't do that.

"Since you wanted a manhandle slam, Flo. Since you like taking finishing moves. Tell me if this hurts huh." She put me in my feet and i wobbled.

Rhea pulled my hand between my legs.

Was she...

She grabbed around my head.

She was.

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now