Chapter 10

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After leaving Verma house I directly went to my penthouse for a good sleep. Next morning I woke up at 4 am barely got time for workout had a quick shower read some newspaper with a cup of coffee and then left for airport. My head is paining like anything.

I got Bhai's message it said 'happy journey' call me when you reach there. I was not in the mood to reply to his message so kept it unanswered. Finally I reached my destination. The hot air welcomed me as soon as I got down the airplane. Luckily I had called my driver to pick me up from the runaway itself. Other passengers were boarding the bus to get back at the airport. I was carrying no luggage with me. Arrangement was done beforehand for my stay in Jaipur palace. I took long strides in the direction of the palace where the receptionist welcomed me with a marigold garland which I didn't let her put on my neck by stopping her midway. She then offered me a welcome drink. Litchi mint flavour with squeeze of lemon. The taste was amazing quite refreshing. I asked her to send a jug having the same juice in my suite.

I was having shower when I heard the door bell. It must be the bellboy. Wrapping a towel around my hip and a robe to cover my body I went to answer the door.

You! What are you doing here? I got shocked seeing her here. What is she doing here in the middle of the day that too in front of my suite.

Hey this is not the way you should talk to me. She said pushing me aside and walking inside the room as if she owns it.

Who gave you my address?
I asked her after not getting a reply I turned to see her looking around the room.

It's really spacious. I kind of like it. She sat on the couch eating cashews from the small table placed near the couch.

You didn't answer me. I asked in a irritated voice.

Why you getting angry for no reason. I am here to give you company daksh. As you will get bore staying all alone

Sanjana how many times should I tell you to not bother me. I am not interested in you.

When will you forget that. Yeah I did have a little infatuation during college days but not now. I only see you as my friend, we can only be friends.

Good you think so. Then now will you tell me who told you I am staying here.

It's devika aunty. She wanted me to give you company.

Bua ji called you?

Yes, why is there a problem.

How did she get your number? I asked getting annoyed by the fact bua ji is not stopping from poking her nose in every matter.

Last time when I came to your house warming party she had asked me my number. I must tell you, you are really lucky to have such a kind caring aunt who worries about you so much.

Oh really. Leave her. I don't have much time to waste on you. I have a meeting to attend for tomorrow and right now I am too sleepy to give you company so you better leave.

Oh okay then let's do this we will meet tomorrow after your meeting. I will contact you pick my phone or I will call Radhika aunty. Bye take care. Thud!!

This idiot girl don't she knows how to close the door.

What a threat!
I will call Radhika aunty.
I mimicked her voice
Before I could stop her she ran away. Stupid girl.

The plan doesn't sound so bad I will have a mini vacation here in Jaipur itself. So decided I will stay here for 2 more days.

In evening Siddharth called me. He was asking me where I was. I informed him I was in Jaipur for a meeting and will be back in 2 days. He was shocked by my answer I asked him what happened. He told me that Disha his fiance is also in Jaipur. I knew his parents were returning to their hometown but disha it came as a surprise. I came to know her taiji stays here and disha comes to Jaipur every year. He suggested me to contact her as she knows every nook and corner of Jaipur.

I just gave a slight hmmm as affirmation to his suggestion.

After his call I received a call from Bhai I picked it to see rudra was also on the line.

Finally someone got time for chatting from his busy schedule. I taunted rudra.

Who disconnected the next second

What's wrong with this boy. I asked Aditya Bhai who sighed before answering that he is tensed after not being successful in cracking the deal up till now.

How come this is possible.

That's what is making rudra more angry. He is searching for the person who is responsible for it.

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Can you guess who this person might be who is giving tough time to rudra

Are you excited to see how daksh met disha in Jaipur.

Guys I am sorry for late update. Actually I am preparing for my finals it's taking a lot of time as I have a project to complete, internal, external exam all in one month.
So I have decided to post the next chapter on 1 St may. Till then take care. Happy journey in advance for those who are going on holiday vacation in April and all the best for the rest of people who are preparing for exams just like me and the remaining people a silly advice from your dear author don't be busy in attending guest rather spend time on yourself. Take a break from your everyday life.

Example Take a night walk with your partner. Share your dreams , your thoughts.

Watch a movie in a theatre if you haven't done it in a while due to Netflix and prime.😅

Go to beach with your family for a small picnic.

Some massage session would also be great.

What do you think 🤔

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