Chapter 7 - Mission To Expunge

Start from the beginning

"Ugh.... what's going on?" Ezra started to stir and broke into a coughing fit. This one sounded different than before, at first his coughing was just pain and swelling from his throat, but now it was becoming wet and productive as it moved deeper into his chest. He put his hands in front of his mouth and began to cough up chunks of greenish brown flem. "Oh man, what happened? I feel terrible."

"Ezra this is bad, you are getting worse at an incredibly alarming rate. Something is very wrong." He pulled out his com. "Hera, get in here, Ezra's condition has become drastic."

"Copy. I'm on my way."

Ezra closed his eyes, his breathing became rapid, his head was pounding and the room was spinning, "I don't feel so good."

"Don't worry Ezra, I'm here, try to stay calm."

Hera ran into the room, "Here, let's check his temp." She put the thermometer in Ezra's mouth, he tried his best to keep it closed as he struggled to breathe. When it finally beeped and she pulled it out her eyes went wide, "Wow.... this can't be right. His fever is skyrocketing, this is dangerous." She reached in her pocket and pulled out the small flashlight. "Ezra, open your mouth. Let us take a look inside." Ezra weakly complied, trying to open his mouth as he struggled to pull air into his lungs.

"Ah, Ezra, ahh!" Kanan coaxed frantically.

"I can't!" Ezra whined mentally to him thru the Force, he was feeling very light headed. Hera pushed his mouth open wider as she shone the light down his throat, Kanan looked in beside her and gasped.

"Yikes. The swelling has gotten much worse, looks like the spots are spreading in his mouth and further down his airway, they must be traveling the path of the lesions on his skin."

"Careful not to touch them." Hera warned. "We still don't know if he's contagious to you."

"Doesn't matter. We need to get him medical attention."

"No!" Ezra cried out as he backed away, Hera and Kanan turned to him in shock. "No doctor! No hospital! Please!"

Hera was dumbfounded, "Ezra! You are in critical condition, if you get any worse you could..."

"Just, leave me alone. I'll be fine! I'll be ok." He was struggling to breathe and protest.

Kanan shot Hera a glance, "Come on, I have an idea...." They left Ezra's room, his body shaking weakly as he rasped and wheezed. Kanan turned to Hera, "Where are we right now?"

She thought for a moment, "I think we are near a planet with a med center. I'll have to get some more information but if it's Empire controlled we won't be able to sneak Ezra in."

"Then maybe we can sneak some medication out. I don't think the medications we got from the last time are going to help in this situation. He needs antifungal medication, a respiratory antibiotic, I'm not sure what else.."

"You're right. It may be our best option. You and Sabine can go down and..."

"No. This mission is too crucial, all of us are going to need to go down. Ezra will be safe here. We will need a distraction, Sabine can sneak in, but we may have to hit more than one spot. We need to be careful, if we get caught Ezra's condition will only become more dire."

Hera's mind raced frantically and then she sighed, nodding in agreement, "You're right. We need to all go, we need a plan. Get the others and meet me in the main room." They broke off in opposite directions, leaving Ezra alone in his room to rest.

Ezra finally caught his breath, "I feel like death..."

We are ready.

"What?" Ezra opened his eyes.

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