part 21

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Travis' POV

I pushed out the front doors of the bar, looking around for Taylor. She probably hadn't left yet; Ronan was wriggly trying to get her into her car seat and it always took a few minutes. My eyes scanned the street, the car park, looking for her. Then my gaze rested on the back of her blonde head and I started towards her before pausing, realizing that she wasn't alone.

She was standing on the footpath, talking to a guy I'd never seen before, smiling at him. I felt my face fall as she laughed at something he said, her cheeks blushing a gentle rosy pink. The guy gestured to her and she seemed to sigh, shaking her head and motioning to Ronan. He nodded, and my heart sank and Taylor shrugged and said something else. Whatever she said made the guy smile and he nodded, taking out his phone and tapping on it before holding it out. Taylor leaned over, typing something in before straightening up.

The guy glanced down at his phone and smiled before putting it away, saying something else to Taylor that made her grin and nod. He reached out, resting a hand on her arm for a second before they seemed to say goodbye and walked off in different directions.

I stayed standing there, staring after her. 

Taylor's POV

Travis got back almost two hours later as I was getting Ronan out of the bath, and she looked at me as we heard the front door open. 

"Who here?" She asked.

"Who do you think?" I chuckled at her, opening up her towel in front of me. Ronan giggled, running right into the towel so I could bundle her up like a burrito. "Daddy's here." I whispered to her. "You want to see Daddy?"

I hadn't told Travis in case he got his hopes up, but I'd slowly begun getting the idea in Ronan's head that he was her Dad. She hadn't seemed to be getting it at first - obviously - but I felt like I was making progress. Her tantrums about Drew had all but vanished, which was a relief.

"Yes!" Ronan clapped her hands as I pulled the plug of the bath. I smiled at her, glad she'd made the connection even if she didn't say it.

"Come on then." I rubbed her back through the towel as I flicked off the light. 

Travis was taking off his shoes when we came out into the living room and he straightened up when he heard us. He looked tired, stressed, and the smile he gave me was obviously forced. 

"Daddy!" Ronan exclaimed, pointing at Travis. 

We both stopped, stared at her. My eyes widened as I looked at my daughter, and when I looked at Travis, he looked more stunned than I'd ever seen him. A surprised laugh burst from my lips, breaking the silence.

"That's right baby girl!" I kissed her forehead. 

"Daddy!" Ronan insisted, so I quickly crossed the room so Travis could take her. He was still rooted to the spot, but I saw the traces of tears welling up in his eyes.

"Hey kiddo." He mumbled. 

"You hungry?" I asked him. "I can start dinner if you want to put her to bed."

"Really?" Travis' eyes flashed up to meet mine. I nodded. "You think she'll let me."

"I think she'll let her Daddy put her to bed." Ronan was fussy about bedtime, but it was worth a shot. I wanted them to spend those moments together.

Travis nodded, and I bit down on a smile as I watched him carry her down to the bedroom. Still smiling, I turned for the kitchen and stood in front of the cabinets, trying to decide what I felt like cooking. After a moment, I picked out some chicken and set about cooking. I hummed quietly to myself as I moved around the kitchen, only distracted when my phone pinged. Leaning over, I grabbed it while still stirring the pot.

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