part 2

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Travis' POV

When I woke up in the morning, Taylor was still passed out, breathing deeply, curled up on one side. I smiled to myself as I watched her sleep, at the tangled curls sticking out in all directions. She was so damn cute it killed me, and I couldn't believe she was my girlfriend now. She'd always been my best friend's annoying little sister, then she'd turned into the crush I could never have, and now, she was mine. My girl.

Glancing over to the side, I checked that Austin was still asleep before I turned back to Taylor, just watching her. She was frowning a little in her sleep, fingers twitching every so often where her hand was lying up by her face. I smiled to myself as I watched her breathe in and out, remembering the moment I'd realized I wanted her.


Two years earlier

"Hey dude." Austin glanced up from the couch when I walked in. We'd long since stopped knocking, so he wasn't fazed that I'd just walked in.

"What the hell's going on in here?" I asked, looking around at the mattresses that covered the living room floor and the bags and clothes and random crap strewn everywhere. It looked like a bomb had gone off.

"Oh, Taylor's having a sleepover for her birthday." Austin told me as I stepped over a mattress. "It's literally a nightmare. There's seven teenage girls, and they all have so much crap."

"I can see that." I laughed, looking around at all of the stuff spilling out of bags. I couldn't even identify half of it. "Where are they all?"

"Back garden." Austin nodded towards the hallway. "I've heard some concerning things and I'm not entirely sure what they're doing, but I'm pretty sure I heard someone turn on the hose. They're crazy. It's December, and it's fucking freezing."

"Oh I've gotta see this." I chuckled, going around the couch and walking down the hallway to the back door. I'd bet my entire life savings that Taylor would be involved with the hose.

I could hear the girlish screams and laughter before I'd rounded the corner, and then I leaned against the back door and looked out at the scene in front of me. They'd opened the hot tub on the back deck and five of the girls were in there, chatting and staring out at the back lawn. Taylor and her best friend Abigail were clad in skimpy bikinis, covered in grass, chasing each other around the back garden. Abigail had the hose and was spraying Taylor as often as she could. Both girls were laughing so hard they could barely stand up straight.

"Good god." Austin sighed from behind me. "For the sake of my own sanity, I'm staying at yours tonight."

"I think that's for the best." I nodded as Taylor slipped over on the wet grass and fell over, laughing hysterically. "Your sister is quite literally the clumsiest person I have ever known." I commented, and Austin laughed.

I watched as Abigail sprayed Taylor down, soaking her completely as she sat there and took it, giving up. Once Abigail was finished, Taylor shook her head and climbed to her feet, pushing her sodden curls out of her face. Then her eyes landed on me and a small smirk appeared on her lips. She said something to Abigail, who also looked up. Then Taylor was grabbing the hose, sticking her hand over the end so it sprayed further than the hose pressure allowed. I jumped back, quickly closing the back glass door barely a second before the water hit it.

Taylor huffed when she realized she hadn't sprayed us and rolled her eyes as she threw the hose down, giving up. I laughed, shaking my head at her as she went to turn off the tap, still obviously annoyed at me for outsmarting her maneuver. Once the hose was off and Taylor was a good amount of space away from it, I opened the door again.

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