Chapter 5 - Tea Party and Jelousy

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Badboyhalo, his siblings and his child had gathered around a table outside his cobblestone castle just out front his front yard. 

"I'm so glad you host these Tea Parties once every two weeks." Bad smile genuinely as he took a long drag of the highly sugared tea.

"Well I'm glad." Tina –one out of two Bad's sister's– blush as she shyly takes a light brown lock from her hair and tucks it behind her ear as she looks at the grass below her long white high heel boots.

"Don't be shy Tina!" IronMouse – Bad's second sister– said playfully, pushing her arm roughly.

"Ouch!" Tina squeaked, rubbing her arm which was barely inflicted. Her cat and/or demon tail flicked against the brittle chair which she sat on.

"Are you okay Tia Tina?" Dapper asked with a concerned expression. He tugged on her puffy white t-shirt.

"Awe! Nephew, I am fine." Tina cooed as she picked the little child up from his own two feet.

"Here, have a biscuit Sunshine!" Bad felt rejoy as he reached over to give his son the delicacy and Dapper took it. Bad smiled sweetly as Dapper gave a slight smile – more positive expression than Bad's used to – and clapped his hands and curled his tail into a heart.

"Thank you sir." Dapper said bluntly as he cuddled up to his Aunt's chest and quietly ate his dry crumbly treat.

He smacked on his treat as his hyper hearing picked up on nearing footsteps as he did: the others paid no attention to their surroundings and stayed immersed with pointless conversation – as Dapper would probably say.

Dapper silently escaped the gentle hold of his Tia and sneaked away. He sneaked his way to the edges of his grassy property in time.

And just as he thought he'd see when he peered around the corner, he saw two hybrids approach the sidelines of the castle.

"Bad!" Dapper raced quickly calling his fathers birth name multiple times.

Once he reached him, Bad briefly scolded him before telling Dapper to tell him what he wanted to say.

"People are approaching." Dapper huffed, out of breath and wiping non-existent sweat from his midnight colored forehead, identical to his dad's demon ethnicity.

"Oh," Bad's eyebrows, ears and demonic tail perked at this. "Did you invite any sisters?"

Bad was asking to be polite but he knew they probably didn't.

"No." They said as their voices synced.

"Did you see who it was?" Bad asked patiently, tilting his head sideways.

"I think it was Tio Slime and Juanaflippa." Dapper was blank faced until his eyes lit up at the realization he himself said Juanaflippa. His sleepover partner and his new best friend.

"Oh." Bad blushed– also realizing too. This wasn't for Juanaflippa though. It was for his goopy boyfriend who hadn't been aware the other two demons on Quesadilla Island were his younger and only siblings.

His tail hid between his legs insecurely. He felt guilty as he hadn't even noticed he never introduced Slime to them — which they were now in a committed and serious relationship with which introducing them now could resolve future in-law conflict.

Just as he thought in his mind for a little too long, the blurry color of green entered his retinas. 

"Slime!" Ironmouse's voice was one with an astonished tone. "How long has it been man? I missed you, you goober!"

Slime cheered along with his shorter demon counterpart, resting his arm around the other cook of her neck. "Ironmouse! It's been a minute!"

Bad awed at the sight before a sharp ping of jealousy struck his cold? Non-existent? Racing? Heart.

Why was he feeling a bit of jealousy? Well a bit was an understatement.

Why'd he feel so much jealousy? Was it the way Slime held onto her like he would never let go or the fact he wanted to be that laugh infection to Slime himself?

That date yesterday made him feel stressed about what to say to Slime afterward. But acting like a jealous boyfriend in a relationship that just became serious and committed just from the day before was selfish.

Bad then took a deep breath, calming himself as Slime hugged Tina – a bit too comfortably Bad thought – and took a seat across from the seat where Bad sat.

"Perfect!" Bad thought, a good time to stare at his boyfriend and not get judged for it.

The excuse of sitting across from someone who's at the opposite end (that's also a very handsome brunette) is just right for the taking.

"Yeah, Juanflippa's been good. Way better now that Doctor Roier and Cellbit got her on some new allergy medicine."

Just at the mention of her boyfriend's little girl, which to no one's surprise, was playing with Dapper and the egg stuffed animals she had and the colorful gummy worms. Dapper had a little egg with glasses as Flippa played with her previous egg with a top hat. By the way they were playing– Dapper was the knight protecting Princess Flippa.

Bad had embarrassingly interrupted the conversation by standing up and walking a long distance from his end to Charlies to offer some tea. "Would you like some?"

"Oh I would but I.. have no cup." Slime nervously didn't make eye contact with his boyfriend in such a public setting. From this height – in which Bad towered over Slime – he could see right through the glossy frames of his thick rimmed glasses that he was blushing.

For once, Bad felt a tiny bit snarky for this. He didn't feel as embarrassed as guilty as he was so he could tease Slime relentlessly.

"Why are you so.. red Slime?" Bad said, sending a cocky comment his way with playful flirting in which only Slime and Bad were really catching onto.

"Oh you know.. The steam from tea is very hot and it just doesn't mix well with Slime hybrids. I learned that the hard way. I can still digest it though." Slime says purposely going off topic to avoid another awkward explanation.

"Right, well," Bad shrugs. He decided since he felt it was time to admit it already he came out with it. "These are my younger and only siblings of mine. Ironmouse and Tina are my demonic Nether demon siblings from the ashes of hell." Bad said with dramatization.

Slime's mouth fell open, not another careless word spoken.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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