Start from the beginning

With a practiced hand, she held the pan with one hand while using the other to open the door, allowing Kaniel to step out first before closing it behind them, starting their journey to the neighbor's yard.

"What kind of neighbors you think they'll be?" Kaniel inquired, rubbing his hands together. "I hope they're cute," he added with a smirk. KJ wrinkled her nose in disgust as she glanced down at him.

"Oh, please. You should be more concerned about those books and braces in your mouth," she retorted, earning an eye roll from her brother. "You're just jealous you don't have any girls while I bag em all. Watch me charm this lady," Kaniel boasted, licking his lips as he jogged ahead of KJ, prompting her to pick up her pace.

As Kaniel stepped onto the doorstep and pressed the doorbell, KJ playfully smacked his hand away. "You're supposed to knock, dummy!" she scolded, earning a retaliatory smack from Kaniel.

"Don't be hitting me!" he retorted, and they engaged in their usual back-and-forth banter until the door swung open before them.

With synchronized smiles, they greeted the older black woman who appeared at the door. KJ nudged Kaniel, a triumphant gleam in her eyes. "I told you so," she murmured under her breath. "Well, aren't you two lovely. Hold on, let me get my daughter," the woman said warmly before closing the door momentarily.

The duo exchanged a glance, sharing their observations. "She's definitely not from around these parts. She's too... nice," Kaniel remarked, feigning a shiver of apprehension, to which KJ nodded in agreement.

Moments later, the door opened once more, revealing a stunning woman who seemed to radiate an ethereal glow in the sunlight. KJ couldn't help but admire her from head to toe before their eyes met.

The woman's beauty was captivating, from the way the sunlight danced in her hair to the slight dimples that appeared when she smiled. KJ found herself momentarily lost in admiration before her warm greeting brought her back to the present.

"Hi!" the woman greeted cheerfully, holding a piece of lit sage in her hand as she leaned against the door frame. Her voice was soft and melodious, causing KJ to gawk in awe.

"Hi, I'm Kaniel, and this is my big sister, KJ!" Kaniel introduced with a polite smile, extending his hand for a handshake, which the woman reciprocated with a slight pout.

"Aren't you a cutie!" the woman exclaimed, her gaze shifting between Kaniel and KJ.

Kaniel nudged his sister, prompting her to introduce herself. KJ reached out to shake the woman's hand, feeling an unexpected warmth spreading through her body as their hands connected.

"KJ. It's nice to meet you..." KJ trailed off, captivated by Victoria's beauty, from the way her eyes sparkled with curiosity to the gentle curve of her lips. "Victoria," the woman replied with a smile that bordered on a smirk, her eyes filled with a magnetic allure that drew KJ in.

Even her name was beautiful.

Slowly withdrawing her hand and tucking it into her pocket, KJ watched as Kaniel presented the banana bread they had brought as a welcoming gift.

Victoria's eyebrows lifted in surprise as she accepted the offering, expressing her gratitude for the thoughtful gesture. "Oh my god, that's so sweet. I love banana bread. Tell her I said thank you. Gosh, I didn't even think of a gift. Umm..." Victoria hesitated, glancing around before offering the lit sage to Kaniel, who accepted it with a puzzled expression.

"Thank you...?" he responded uncertainly before passing it to KJ, who fanned it out. "And when you're done, bring back the pan!" Kaniel stated pointedly, which resulted in a soft giggle from Victoria, making KJ's heart melt.

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