Chapter 7- The Colored Plates

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It had been days since Mikey had been home. It felt as if he was living with Rayne at this point. Yes, they are dating. But still. It'd be nice for him to come home once in a while.
Gerard sat at the dining room table, picking at the breakfast food sitting on the colorful plate. Uninterested in eating.

"Something on your mind, sweetheart?" Carrie asked, sitting across from Gerard.

Gerard shook his head no, continuing to pick at the food with the dull fork.

"Are you not hungry? Or do you want me to make you something else?" Carrie seemed worried, but understanding.

"I'm just not really in the mood to eat right now. Something weighing down on my stomach, but I can't point it out." Gerard sighed, setting the fork on the plate.

"That's alright my darling. If you'd like to go back upstairs and get some rest, please do so. I don't wanna keep you down here against your will." She smiled softly. Standing up and walking over to Gerard, leaning down to kiss his head gently.

"No it's fine, I enjoy your company." Gerard smiled, before pushing his chair back, the scratching of the chair to the floor mad his ears ring. Causing him to sigh. He stood up, grabbing the colored plate and setting it in the sink.

Carrie smiled at him, pushing his chair back in.

"Well, is there anything you'd like to do today? It's the weekend and I'm off." Carrie brushed her hair with her fingers a bit, the bed head getting to her.

"Do you think we could go to the comic book store?" Gerard glanced back at Carrie.

"I don't see why not!" She smiled. "It's only 9:30, so we can hang out here for a bit and leave around 12 if your good with that"

Gerard nodded, walking up to Carrie, wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tight.

"Thank you.." He said muffled, his head buried into her shoulder.

Carrie smiled, resting her chin on the top of Gerard's head.

"Anything for you, Gerard." She spoke softly, as if it were a lullaby to Gerard's ears. Her words always seemed to soothe him, make him feel at ease. Make him feel at home. Safe.

It was around dinner time. Aunt Carrie had let Gerard get 5 new comics, which really made his whole week. 4 batman ones, and some new one they released. Carrie had cooked up something easy for dinner, but Gerard didn't have an appetite. He felt sick to his stomach. Today's colored plate was teal. Teal reminded Gerard of the ocean. The oceans nice. But what's in it isn't. That's how he felt about meals. The plate is pretty and colorful, but the food doesn't satisfy. Not that it's gross. It felt as if something in his brain prevented him from eating. It had been going on for a few weeks. Nobody noticed. He didn't want them to notice. It hurt. His body hurt. Everything. Hurt. He picked at the food with a black fork, this one was sharp, the one from breakfast was dull. Sharp, it has meaning, purpose. Dull. Gerard felt dull. Meaningless. No sense in purpose on this earth. But dull items can be re-sharpened right? They don't need to be dull forever.

"Are you not going to eat tonight, Gee?" Carrie asked, looking sincere at Gerard.

"I..I'm not very hungry today, I'll eat tomorrow." He smiling softly. Reassuring Carrie.

"I don't want you getting sick.. It's been weeks since you've even tried eating. Is there something going on? You can talk to me.." She asked, a saddened look on her freckled face.

Gerard shook his head.

"No.. nothings wrong. I promise." He smiled again. Not wanting to worry her.

Carrie nodded, sort of leaning back in her chair.

"You can go upstairs if you want, maybe try and get some rest. It will help."

"Alright.. love you, Carrie." Gerard spoke, getting out of the squeaky dining room chair and heading upstairs to his room.

Once he got into his room, he felt a deep pit in his stomach. Like something was wrong. He held onto his stomach. Wincing a bit, as the pit started to hurt, squeezing his organs. He fell to the floor, curling up into a ball. Squeezing his eyes shut. It felt like his intestines were being twisted and ripped apart by the second. He cried out. Something wasn't right. The door bursted open, Carrie getting onto her knees in front of Gerard, leaning down to look at him.

"Gee.. what's going on.. can you hear me?" She looked down at him.

Gerard couldn't hear anything, his vision blurring in and out.

Carrie stood up, grabbing the phone from Gerard bedside table. Dialing 911.

"Hello? Yes. I need an ambulance. Somethings happening to my nephew."

There was slight muffling from the other end.

"No! I can't wait 30 minutes. What if he looses consciousness?! No! Send someone now! Please!" Carrie yelled into the phone.

"We are sending someone now. Please be patient and check for a steady pulse."

Carrie did so, yes, there was a pulse. But it was small.

"T..There's a pulse. But it's small. Please hurry!" She tried to hold back tears.

Minutes passed and there were loud sirens outside. Red and blue lights flashing throughout the windows. Like Christmas lights.

Gerard was still curled up onto the floor, still holding his stomach.

Carrie rushed down the stairs, opening the front door to let the paramedics in.

Everything happened so fast. All Gerard could remember was being lifted into the shaky ambulance and being taken away. The siren sounds blared through his aching head. His eyes still squeezed shut.

Carrie had stayed home. She needed to call Mikey.

She dialed his number. Twirling the phone cord around her finger anxiously. Waiting for a pickup tone.

"Hello..?" Mikey answered. He was asleep.

"Mikey?! Did I wake you?" Her words were breaking.

"No.. it's okay. Me and Rayne were just laying here.. What's going on?" 

"It's Gerard. He was rushed to the hospital. I don't know what happened. He went up to his room and a few minutes later he was screaming and I walked in and he was clutching onto his stomach. I.. I don't know what's going on Mikey."  Carrie cried softly into the phone.

"Oh god.. Do you want me and Rayne to come pick you up or anything..?" He asked, Rayne sort of rustling in his sleep.

"No.. No.. No need for that. I don't want to interrupt."

"You're not interrupting anything. We'll be on the way in a minute." Mikey spoke, hanging the phone up.

"Rayne.. wake up.. We have to go to the hospital.." Mikey gently shook Rayne.

"Wha.. What's going on." Rayne turned over, looking up at Mikey.

"Gerard's in the hospital."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now