Chapter 3 - The Darkness Within

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It was a cloudy day today, small droplets of rain stained on the classroom windows, small noises of thunder here and there. The clouds were grey and there was a slight wind flowing through the lightly cut trees outside. The air was weird today, something about today felt weird to Gerard. Like something was coming. Or someone? The class was just starting and the teacher walked in with a student behind her.
She spoke up "As you all know, this is Frank.. Frank Iero." She sighed, looking back at Frank, just for him to have a dumb smirk on his face. "He was moved into our first period Physics class. For some trouble he caused in his last one." She rolled her eyes. Frank looked offended, holding his heart "Ouch teach! No need to call me out like that." The class filled with small laughter and smiles. Gerard was busy glaring at him, studying his picture. He was bold. But something about it was charming. Probably how he found his popularity in his place. The teacher walked over to her desk, setting down her work book. "Whatever Frank. Find a seat please." He nodded, smiling like a child. Walking over to the front of the class, slightly glancing down at Gerard as he walked to a seat. He sat next to a girl, the one that laughed the most. She was blonde, with her dark roots showing, she wore tight shirts and tiny skirts that usually got her in trouble. She looked over to Frank when he sat in the desk next to her. She smiled lightly. Eventually looking back to the teacher. Frank sat down. Grabbing out his notebook. Ripping out a piece of paper, looking over to the girl, grabbing his pen, and writing on the paper. Folding it up and writing a small heart of the front, sneakily handing to the girl next to him. She smiled a bit, looking over to him, opening the note just for it to read "Your roots are showing" The girl looked over to Frank, a mean look on her face. Raising her hand. "Mrs. Wikes! Can I go to the bathroom please!" The teacher nodded, the girl stood up fast, running out of the classroom. Frank blowing a little kiss before she left. Gerard watched as the girl storming out of the class, shrugging before his attention going back to the work on the board.
   It was around 7th period, students started filling the cafeteria up, Frank sitting with his usual friends. Chatting and making plans for the weekend. Gerard was sat with his brother and his friends, talking about random stuff. Gerard perked up wanting to tell his brother something. "Oh Mikey, there's a new kid in our Physics class now." Mikey looked interested, wanting to hear more. "Oo tell me more" Gerard glanced over to the table where Frank was sitting. "That kid over there, Frank, the one with the black hair." Mikey nodded. "Oh Frank, we know a lot about that kid." Mikey and his friends looked at each other. Mikey spoke up "I heard his parents are like rich rich, and he has like scholarships to Harvard or something." Gerard tilted his head. Thinking to himself. 'No way that kid has scholarships to Harvard.' His attention went back to Mikey. "Really? That's.. surprising." Mikey nodded in agreement. Gerard sighed, watching the watch on his wrist carefully, waiting for 3:40 to come.

   After Gerard's last class of the day, he grabbed his bag, walking out of the class, waiting for Mikey. Once Mikey found his way to the exit, he smiled at Gerard, the two walking out to Gerard's car. On the drive home, Mikey was talking about how he was ready for spring break, the sound of rain lightly hitting the car distracted Gerard, but his focus still on the road. Mikey sighing, setting his head on the back of the seat. "I might be going to Rayne's house this weekend. He wants to take me to see a new movie." Rayne was one of Mikey's closest friends. They usually spent every weekend together. But something about Mikey's tone made him sound uninterested. Gerard smiled, slightly glancing over to Mikey. "Ahh that sounds fun!" Mikey shrugged. "I mean.. I guess.. But Rayne still doesn't know that I like him. What if us going to the movies is like.. super awkward." He whined, nervous. Gerard looked over to Mikey as they drove into the driveway of their house. "I bet it will be great. Just be cool and nonchalant about it, and if Rayne says something about his feelings, speak up. Don't leave it locked away for too long." He smiled over at Mikey, parking the car in the garage. Mikey nodded, unbuckling his seatbelt, smiling over to Gerard. "You always know what to say when I need help." Gerard chuckled a bit. "That's what I'm here for Mikey." Once they both got out of the car, they were greeted by their aunt Carrie, sitting at the island in the kitchen, working on something. "Hello boys! How was school?" She smiled, getting up and walking to the two giving them hugs. She always had a certain smell to her, like flowers and expensive perfume. It reminded Gerard of his mother. It was comforting. Gerard set his bag down on the floor, walking to the island, taking a seat down on one of the stools, Mikey sitting next to him. "School was okay, new kid in Physics, he's interesting." Gerard sighed. Carrie nodded, with a smile. Looking over to Mikey, Mikey speaking up. "School was great! Rayne invited me over this weekend. He said he might pick me up tonight, if that's okay with you.." he smiled, looking at Carrie. "Of course that's okay with me! Y'all have fun!!!" She smiled, Mikey smiled back. "Well I'm going to give him a call, I'll be upstairs" He smiled, leaving the kitchen and walking upstairs to his room. Carrie looked over to Gerard, smiling at him. "I have a night shift tomorrow. If Mikey's not home, you'll be here for the night, I don't care what you do, just don't throw any huge parties" She joked, getting up out of her seat, walking over to Gerard to place a kiss on his forehead. Looking at him with a soft smile. "I love you Gerard. And I'm so so proud of you." Gerard smiled back at her. She always told him that, it made him feel better as if she knew he was going through something.

It was finally the weekend, Mikey was gone with Rayne, and Carrie was at work, he was laying on his stomach in bed, listening to music and working on a physics project that was due Monday. He was just doing his own thing before the doorbell rang, Gerard popped up, wondering who could even be here right now.
He walked down the stairs, opening the door. 'Frank?' He looked at Frank with a confused expression. "Frank? How'd you get my address?" Frank had his normal dumb smirk on his face. "Found it in the school book. In the file room." Gerard rolled his eyes. "Well why are you here?" Franked had his backpack over his shoulder. "Physics project. I live down the road and after I got the school book I decided to come here and work on it with someone who isn't 100% slow" Frank said with his whole truth. Gerard sighed, leaning against the doorframe. Thinking on if he wanted to let him in. "And why would I let you in?" he glared at Frank. "Please. Just this once! We can get it done! Please dude." Frank basically begged like a dog. Gerard thought for a second. "Fine. But one second. Let me go grab my book." He huffed, shutting the door on Frank, walking upstairs, grabbing his stuff and setting it on the island. Going back to the door and opening it, Frank still standing there, looking stupid. Gerard sighed. "Come in.." He opened the door fully, letting Frank into his house.


cliffhanger because i want to 😈

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now