Chapter 3: The Marketplace Litten

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Ash quickly grabbed it's tail to stop it, but it used Scratch to scratch his face. Pikachu attempted to use Thunderbolt but Niku stopped it.

Niku: No, dont!

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash: But why?!

Niku: Just let it be. It has reasons to do that.


Upon arriving at the school, Niku and Ash arrived at the school and Ash ran to tell them about the Litten they met. But didnt
mention about it living with Niku.

Mallow: Oh, that Litten, huh? You both met it?

Ash: Well Niku already knew about it but what do you mean "that Litten"?

Pikachu: Pika.

Mallow: It comes up to you and ask's for food like this, right?

Ash: Yeah that's right.

Mallow: It's so cute when it does that!

Lana: You just can't help but give it some.

Popplio: Popplio.

Pikachu: Pikachu...

Ash: Well it tricked me... And because of that, my delicious croquette sandwhich was...

Lillie: D-Do you by chance mean...

Niku: Yep, the only place where you eat food. All the more reason you shouldn't offer food especially your own. But then again it would go for a bigger piece.

Lana: Is it always alone?

Mallow: Yeah.

Sophocles: That's because Litten doesn't like others meddling in their affairs. They are pretty difficult and wont ever attach to their trainers.

Rotom Dex: I already mentioned that to you.

Ash: Then how did it trust you Niku?

Niku: I met it when I first came to this island and shared my meals with it. It took a huge liking to it. Sometimes it comes to search for me for more. I didn't a Litten to like my cooking.

Kiawe: You must be lucky to have captured it?

Niku: Oh it's not mine. It's still wild.

Lana: What, but if you earned it's trust why haven't caught it.

Niku: While it may be awesome, but Litten is better to find someone that is better suited for it.

Mallow: Oh that person would have to be lucky.

Niku: Maybe.

Kiawe. Not to mention it appears at food stands in the marketplace. It takes berries and such, then it runs off with them.

Mallow: Well you can't help but not dislike it.

Lana: Indeed.

Kiawe then looked over at Ash.

Kiawe: So what do you want to do with the Litten Ash?

Ash: Isn't it obvious? I'm going to catch it, of course!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Everyone then looked at Ash surprised. But to Niku.

Niku:...-_-... Geez... Good luck with that.



It's later in the day, and Niku, Ash and Kukui were at the market, buying things. Niku was just watching as he was passing by.

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