Ep 15 - Family Time

Start from the beginning

Leo walks up to Donnie's door. Huh, it's locked. Well no worries, Leo's swords are here to save the day! Tracing a circle, Leo's ninpo crackled, forming a portal. Reaching in, Leo walks out of the portal to Donnie's room.

Leo lifted his foot up, avoiding a random object on the ground. It's quite messy in here. Wonder what our big brain doin'.

Leo approached towards the purple light emitting deeper into the dark room. There was a figure on a chair, tapping onto the keyboard. He looked reaal focused on his thing. Leo looked around his room.

It just looked like one of his typical "lockdown" messy room. Leo sighed.

"Heyyy Donnie!" Leo finally spoke up.

Donnie jumped out of his seat out of fright. Leo tried to hold in his laughter. Donnie gave Leo a glare, resuming his work.

"So whatcha up to Dee?" Leo climbed onto his desk, shoving the keyboard aside and laying on his side with a grin. Donnie scowled at Leo with annoyance.

Sighing, Donnie looked away. "Like you would listen to me rambling on about my genius stuff."

"Uh huh." Leo narrowed his eyes at Donnie. "Care to explain why you have been holing yourself up in your room for the past few days? With a couple notches down, of course."

Donnie hasn't exactly been in his room the entire time. He would sneak out whenever everyone was sleeping. He didn't want to kick Raph into his 'over, overprotective' brother gear.

"Sure. I'll remove the required amount of notches to get into the dumb-level amount for you." Donnie replied flatly. Leo chuckled at his comeback. He was going to let that slide this time. "Sure sure, whatever, go on."

"Well, in order to show you properly, I would very much like to have my keyboard in order to do so ." Donnie crossed his arms, leaning into his chair.

Leo allowed Donnie to whip up his presentation he had prepared with his keyboard. Donnie gave Leo a quick explanation of his project he's working on with an additional diagram to show how it worked.

Aaaand he's lost himself into the deep depths of his own mind.

Leo thought, starting to loose his focus on Donnie's presentation.

Groaning with boredom, Leo grabbed Donnie's hands, trying to get his attention. Donnie flinched from the sudden action. "Donnie, remember what you said you would? I don't need you droning on and on about your work." Leo grumbled, reminding Donnie. Donnie frowned at Leo, pulling out of his Leo's grip.

"Yeah yeah I get it." Donnie turned away, back faced to Leo. "Ugh. Seriously?" Leo groaned at Donnie's distant reaction. Leo glared at the back of Donnie's head for a few seconds.

"Ah. Whatever. Donnie, Mikey's cooked us some soup and you're coming out AND staying at the kitchen with us this time." Leo grabbed onto Donnie's chair, whirling it to make Donnie face him. Donnie stared at Leo, stunned.

Shaking his head, Donnie rubbed his eyes. "Alright, fine." Donnie stood up from his chair. Leo placed his hands on his hips. "Great. So now, let's just peacefully walk out of your room, sit at the table, and eat together!" Leo smiled at Donnie, gesturing his hands to the door.

"Guess who's back and brought someone with him!" Leo announced as he walked into the kitchen. Mikey and Raph looked up at them. Mikey gasped. "Is Donnie going to eat with us?" Leo nodded proudly. "Yup, I got this unemotional bad boy to eat with us!" Leo wrapped his arm around Donnie's neck, nudging his shoulder with the other.

"Please. Leo." Donnie rolled his eyes.

Raph awkwardly tries to look away from Donnie as they took their seat at the table as Mikey served them food. Leo took notice of Raph's attempt and whispered it to Mikey as he served Leo his food. They both eyed suspiciously at Raph.

Everyone waits for Mikey to take his seat.

Leo claps his hands once Mikey has taken his seat, opening his mouth. "Now that we are all finally here, we would very much like to discuss about our current problems." Leo announced. Raph looked up at Leo.

Mikey nodded, crossing him arms.

"I'm sick of how you and Donnie keeps avoiding each other!" Mikey said in a loud voice. Donnie and Raph flinched from the scolding tone.

"We ought to talk this out, don't you think guys?" Leo asked. Raph nods but Donnie just lowers himself into his seat, clearly not wanting to talk about it. Leo clicked his tongue at Donnie's reaction. It was to be expected.

Leo wanted to go onto the table, grab Donnie by the collar, and yell in his face saying he should suck it up and deal with it. But he knew that wasn't exactly the best way to start this talk and he didn't want to spoil his freshly made dinner. Leo takes a spoon and eats his soup as he glares at Donnie.

Mikey takes the lead. "I know we're still recovering from... all of the crazy stuff that's happened but we can't just keep on shutting each other out." Mikey spoke softly, looking at Donnie and Raph.

"Raph. Everyday, you're not communicating with Donnie at all unless it's about missions or dinner or small stuff. Like a proper conversation." Mikey points out.

"And Donnie, you still won't tell us what happened that day. And you've been in your room the entire time. There's something clearly troubling you as you space out from time to time. I can see that." Mikey said, looking to Donnie.

Raph nods in agreement. "I'm sorry... I just need some time to collect my thoughts. The invasion has really left a toll on me..." Raph said, confessing. That got Donnie to feel guilty, considering he was pretty harsh on Raph.

Leo continues to eat his soup, watching his family as they each took turns talking.

Donnie let out a sigh, straightening himself up in his chair. "I suppose I can make that excuse valid." Mikey shot a glare at Donnie, scowling. Donnie rolled his eyes. "One thing I can say is I don't do well with feelings. But I guess I could also say I'm also still recovering from the Krang too." Donnie looks away, slightly shifting uncomfortably about his confession.

Mikey nodded, happy with their progress. Leo suspiciously glanced at Mikey. "What about you Mikey?" He asked. Mikey stiffened. Everyone turns to Mikey, staring at him with concern.

"What do you mean?" Mikey asked, turning to Leo, acting like he was really fine. "I know you're not completely over it." Leo stared at Mikey with a serious face. Raph asks Mikey with concern, realizing he hasn't really paid attention to Mikey since he hasn't really shown much difference. "Are you okay Mikey?"

Mikey sighs, looking down at his hands. He knows they won't let him get away easily. "I guess we're all still recovering from the invasion." Mikey laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, I just wanna let you all know. I'll always be here for you guys." Raph said.

"Are we done yet? This is getting way too mushy." Donnie frowns, crossing his arms as he leaned back into his chair.

"Not yet." Mikey said, turning to Leo. "Leo still hasn't confessed." Mikey and Donnie turns to Leo.

Leo freezes up, holding his spoon with his mouth open. Leo takes the bite and drops his spoon into his bowl. Abruptly standing up, spinning on his heels, Leo darts. "Well! Looks like I'm done here!" Leo waves at them as he exits the room.

"Leo!!" Raph yells, standing up from his chair.

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