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"Here my Kitty, have some breakfast."

I sat on the couch, tears rolling down my eyes. I had no appetite for breakfast.

"I know that you may not want to eat it," Ace exhaled as he ruffled my hair, "but you must eat it for your own health Kitty or-"

"Or you'll kill me?" I asked, getting choked due to my tears. "The way you killed my mom?"

Ace jerked back in surprise. "N-Nayan, h-how could you think that way? I would never do anything of that sort with you!"

I stared back into Ace's green eyes. He was scared and insecure. This very same guy was the one who had...

Recollecting the memory brought tears back into my eyes. Of course my mother had never been good to me, always berating and taunting me for the smallest of matter. But I had never desired her death! And Ace doing exactly that was something which made me feel disgusted for Ace.

"How was it so easy for you to kill her?" I asked.

Ace studied me. I knew that I was rather lean, less muscular and more of a guy who would rather surrender than speak while Ace was the typical jock with handsome and strong physique and I had no stand in front of him. However, I was unable to handle myself.

"Nayan, you're overthinking," Ace said patiently. He embraced me and said further, "I did not mean it, but she would never allow us to be together. Now look, we are here, together as we had always wanted to be. Should you not be happy?"

Happy? How could I be? I was rather scared. Scared of Ace. He had turned out to be a devil in disguise.

I let myself cry in his arms since I knew he would not let me go. Neither did I have the strength in me to fight against him.

It was all over. My life was never going to be the same again, and I knew it would get worse hereon.


About four days had passed since the incident and things had gotten only worse. The cops were hot on our heels but had not reached us yet. Stacy was doing her best to assist us in our hiding, although I kept suspecting for how long would she be able to help her criminal brother.

It would be a lie if I'd say that things had gotten any better between me and Ace. Rather, they had decelarated. Ace had been growing cold and passive aggressive by the second while I maintained my distance from him. He would force me to sleep with him at night, but other than that he had not forced me into anything more...until now.

"Dinner's ready."

Ace brought bacon and eggs on the table for us and sat next to me. I did not move or show any sign of willingness to eat. I had lost the appetite.

"Eat," he ordered. However, I did not make a move. This seemed to frustrate him further and he closed the distance between us. Snaking his left arm around my neck and grasping my hair and gripping around my waist with his right arm, he pulled me uncomfortably closer to him.

"What's the problem with you Nayan?" Ace asked. "Why aren't you happy? Isn't this what we'd always wanted? To be happy together?"

"But not at the cost of a life," I replied. Darkness fell over his eyes and he suddenly jerked my head up by my hair, making me wince in pain.

"Why are you being so ungrateful? You have everything now. You have me, you have all the necessities and a cosy place to live."

"I never wanted you at this cost."

Ace jerked my head back harshly, making me cry out in pain. "SHUT UP!" Focibly, he kissed my lips, faltering my breath. I struggled to move away from him, but his grip on my waist and hair was stronger than my attempts. I was panicking. This was not the Ace I had wanted to love.

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