"You look beautiful!" he tells her, kissing her cheek. "Muah!"

She giggles, looking at me and pointing. "Mama!"

"Mama looks absolutely stunning," Joe says, looking over to me and smirking.

I roll my eyes, patting his shoulder as I walk by and head down the stairs. "Kiss up."

"Daddy wants a good Christmas too," he says.

I laugh, looking back at him with my mouth dropped open.

"What?" he chuckles.

"Daddy better watch himself," I tell him, going down the rest of the stairs and making sure everything is in the bag.

"Ooo, I like that," he says.

"What?" I ask, raising my eyebrows at him.

He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Joseph Adam," I give him a look.

"I liked Daddy better."


"What?" Joe asks, turning his head to her.

"Mama." She says, pointing at me again.

"Yeah, princess, mama looks good."

"Stop," I tell him, pushing him gently towards the mud room.

"I assume we have everything and we're ready?" Joe asks playfully.

"We're only staying for a couple of hours. We have cookies to make, lights to see, new PJs to wear, and a movie to watch!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Joe says, playfully running to Willa's door and swinging it open to put her inside, making her laugh.

I smile, climbing into the passenger seat of the car and waiting for him to get in before simply staring at him for a moment.

"What?" he asks, giving me a look.

I shake my head, looking out the window now.

"No, no, no," he shakes his head, refusing to move the car.

I roll my eyes, looking at him. "You just look really good right now."

He raises his brows. "Yeah?"

I nod, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Are you blushing right now?" he asks, raising his brows.

"Yes," I giggle, covering my face with my hands.

"We're married and have a kid and you're blushing right now," he chuckles.

I grin at him, letting my embarrassment show, regardless of it making me uncomfortable.

He leans over, pressing his lips to mine. "I love you."

"I love you," I tell him.

Once arriving to Kevin's, we get out of the car, Joe grabbing Willa out of the backseat only for her to reach for me.

"Stay with dada, baby," I tell her.

"Mama," she says, reaching further.

I sigh, though a grin still sits on my lips as I grab her from him. As we walk inside, immediately greeted by Kevin, the aroma of garlic and chicken smacks my nostrils, instantaneously making my stomach twist into a knot.

I push it off the best I can, greeting everyone aside from Joe's parents who refuse to look at me.

"I need to walk outside," I whisper to Joe after a few moments.

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