Chapter 2: Anger of Sid and concern of kids

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One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Oberoi household, Miu overheard Sid shouting at one of his employees over the phone. Concern etched across her face, she sought out her Dadu, Raj, in the living room.

"Dadu," she began tentatively, tugging at the hem of his shirt, "why is Dad in such a bad mood today?"

Raj sighed, his gaze distant as he pondered how to explain Sid's temper to his young granddaughter.

"Beta, sometimes your Dad gets stressed with work," he replied gently, ruffling her hair. "But don't worry, he'll be fine."

Meanwhile, Meera watched from the doorway, her heart heavy with worry for her son. Sid's constant battles with pain and stress weighed heavily on her, and she knew she needed to intervene before things escalated further.

"Sid," she said softly, entering the room and placing a hand on his shoulder, "you need to take it easy. It's not good for your health to get so worked up."

Sid's jaw clenched, his frustration evident as he shrugged off her touch.

"Not now, Mom," he snapped, his tone sharper than intended. "I just need some space, okay? Before I lose my temper on you."

Meera recoiled slightly, hurt flashing in her eyes before she schooled her expression into one of resignation.

"Fine," she said quietly, retreating from the room with a heavy heart.

Alone in his thoughts, Sid rubbed a hand over his tired eyes, the weight of his responsibilities bearing down on him like a leaden cloak. Despite his best efforts to shield his family from his pain and frustration, it seemed he was only pushing them further away.

As the evening wore on, Sid's foul mood persisted, his brow furrowed with frustration as he tried to focus on his work. The careless actions of his employee still rankled, adding to the burden of his pain.

Feeling a sense of helplessness wash over her, Miu tentatively approached her father, her heart pounding with fear of his anger. But more than anything, she wanted to make him feel better, to somehow ease the pain that etched lines of strain on his handsome face.

With a silent determination, she wrapped her arms around Sid in a gentle hug, her small frame trembling slightly with the effort to comfort him.

Rey, sensing his father's distress, joined them, his own arms encircling his father in a gesture of solidarity.

Sid, startled by the unexpected embrace, looked down at his children with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. Despite his own turmoil, he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at their resilience and compassion.

"It's okay, bachas," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "Dad's okay. Don't worry."

The trio settled onto the couch, Sid's laptop forgotten as he allowed himself to be enveloped by the warmth of his children's love. With Miu on one side and Rey on the other, he resumed his work, their presence a soothing balm to his troubled soul.

As the hours passed and the night deepened, Sid's exhaustion caught up with him, his eyelids growing heavy with weariness. And as he leaned back against the cushions, the soft weight of his children's heads resting on his lap, he allowed himself to succumb to the gentle embrace of sleep.

In that moment, with his precious children by his side, Sid knew that no matter how heavy the burdens he bore, he would always find solace in the unconditional love of his family. And as he drifted off into dreams, the soft sound of their breathing lulling him into peace, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the future, no matter how bleak the present may seem.

If by any chance you happen to stumble upon this book, please do leave feedback and suggestions for improvement, as I am a new writer and this is my first book.

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