Chapter 10 (Recalling the past)

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I have to be out of my mind if I think William won't see right through me, but I can't just let him do that to me.
"Why?....... William. Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because I don't want you to have one more regret Kiara....... I sorry, but you also know what I did was right thing to do."
"I don't have any regrets, so stop putting thoughts in my head." I growl and lean back to couch.
"You know what I'm trying to say Kiara. So, for fuck's sake stop running away and face it for once and all. Please?" He gasped.
"Jesus Christ......." I whimpered, just about to burst into tears. "William, why are you doing this to me?"
"Because I know you're getting tired from running and too old to admit that your fooling yourself all this year by saying you're okay and nothing happened."
"I.....I know. I'm fucked up", I breathed my heart breaking inside my chest." I'm not running away or fooling myself. so, just stop it. I don't need your fucking lecture on my beautiful past life and the sins I commit to make it that beautiful."

I took another breath, trying to calm down. I wasn't making any sense. I needed to get ahold of myself.

"Sin.....?" He asked, his voice soft and high at the same time. My hands getting sweaty.
"Like seriously....... Kiara, sins?" He take my hand in his hand and gave it a light squeeze.
"Kiara, that was just a bad decision......just a mistake... you're a fifteen years old girl, who doesn't know how to deal with that situation. So, don't call it sin."

"I just let her die, William". I huffed through my gravelly voice. William gasped." I choose money over my mother, isn't it that we called sin too?"
The room was filled with stifling silence. It was so quiet it was physically painful. I just want to him say something before I burst into tears. The silence reminding me of that dark room and my mother's cold body......the voice in my head screaming at me you're the reason, it's all happened because of you...

"Stop it..." William finally let out a breathless squeal. "Can't you just forgot about that you were just fifteen and when you have to chose between your father or be all alone, you want someone to be with you that's why you chose your father."
I shrugged and shook my head, I didn't want to talk about this anymore. I just wanted to leave it like that and never talk to him about it again. This conversation was destroying me, and it hadn't even gotten started yet.

"Kiara....."he murmured, moving his face in front of mine, forcing me to look into his eyes. "You don't need to punish yourself for that.... Your father is a bastard and whatever he did to your mother is not your fault. Got it?"

"I want to leave", I tell him. "Please."
He nods, but he's still holding my hands. His nod tells me one thing, but his hands is asking me to stay put. "But before leave, let me tell you one thing very clearly, it doesn't matter how much you screams for help when you're the one who lock yourself in that dark room, because no one able to listen them and come to help you, and you know if that day you come out of that room and stopped your father from leaving her for another women or stopped him for accused your mother being a slut so he can easily get rid of her in court. Maybe your mother is.."

"Stop it William." I'm no longer sacred because I know what he about to say. I'm angry and Pissed.
His eyes widened and he stubble backwards. I don't have to listen that crap.
Because hearing those word's from him makes me felt like my mother.....or I'm becoming like my mother. Coward.
No, I can't. sorry mother but I don't want to be like you.

"You know I always thought one day I'm going to get rid of that scars that still scares me sometimes. But now I felt like they're not scaring me they making me empty just like her and I don't want that".
"Then stop running away from it. He cheated on you, you didn't do anything wrong. So, just close that chapter with pride and choose your career not that fucking bastard."
"Hmmm....... I think you're right. He doesn't deserve that much attention and but my career does. I owe him nothing but he does and for that he should be grateful of me."
"It took four years for me to fall in love with him."
"And it only took four days to him prove that I'm wrong. So, now it's my turn to show him that I only need four days to move on from him and get back to my life and live as I wanted."
"That's my girl." William's arms wrapped around me. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you. Bastard". I smile with tears in my eyes.
"There's no need for that.....all you have to do is get ready for your meeting with investor's."
"Meeting? "I asked.
"Well, that bastard sent you the meeting details and timing on your email."

"Ohhh..god.. William. You're such an asshole". I click open my emails, "I only have two hours left.....move bastard."


riter's note:
I hope you guys like this chapter please let me know ❤️❤️

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