Chapter 5

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(Kiara's POV)

I stepped out of the bathroom, my skin is still ice cold despite the hot bath I'd soaked in for the past hour.
It was late evening, staring my reflection on the mirror. The faint slam of the front door saved me from my thoughts, but my heart skittered with trepidation.
Who's was here? Mike wouldn't be came directly to my apartment right?
My trepidation heightened when the sound of footsteps grew louder until a soft knock on my bedroom door interrupted those chaos thoughts.
I sucked in another lungful of air, "Bitch I know you not gonna open that damn door." A familiar annoying voice came behind the doors and I knew who he is.

"William?" My heart gradually slowed as I came close to the door and flung it open.
Isn't he supposed to be in Japan for shooting.
"You're not supposed to be back until tomorrow. What are....."
I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence before he crossed the room in two long strides and gripped my arms.
"Are you okay? "He demanded. He scanned me from head to toe, his expression tight.
"I'm fine. A little shivering because I took cold shower, but I'm fine. I forced a smile. You're supposed to be in Japan until tomorrow. What are you doing in my home at this late."

"You're not picking up my calls neither replied to messages, of course I came back right away."
"But the shooting......"
"Is done. "His iron grip remained on my arms, strong but gentle.
"Oh." I couldn't think of anything else to say.
I don't know way but for some reason, the visual of him made my eyes blur with tears. It was too warming, too normal after a night like yesterday.
William's fingers tightened around me. "Be honest, Kiara", he said, those word's somehow felt comforting at the same time commanding. "Are you okay?"
Why he sounds like he want to ask me that are you hurt instead of are you okay. Those are two different questions.

Pressure built inside me, oh my god, I can't say this. What I'm supposed to do now?..........
He don't know about right? But I I nodded.

His eyes were a dark strom, his face grows with anger and panic. "He cheated on you," he said, his voice lower.
The pressure pushed against my eardrums. My smile wobbled. "Yes. No the......" I eased a deep breath. Don't cry. " He Just highlight my week, I must admit."

William's body vibrated with tention. "Did he do anything else like harm you or something else?"

I shook my head. Oxygen thined by the second, making each word difficult to com out. "He just cheated on me last week and kept hide that until he know that girl is pregnant and now he's going to marry her. And afterall that I'm okay. Really." The last word come out as whispered.

The muscle of his jaw ticked. "You're shaking."
Was I?  Yes I was. "It's the cold", I said.
William stroked my cheeks with his thumb. Concern pooled in his eyes. "Stop lying to me, Kiara, "he said softly.

"Well, why are you so sure about that......" I start ramblings on useless things so they can hold me together. "You should stop asking me those stupid did you knew about that? You're spying on me......?" I couldn't breathe. I need some air. A tear trickled down my cheeks. "You can't do that to me. "
My voice is trembling.
One tremble and I'm broke down, sobs wracking my body as the emotions, stress of the yesterday night overwhelmed me.

William's arm's wrapped around me. He didn't speak, but his embrace was so strong and reassuring it erased any emotions barriers I might've had.

What about some icecream? He murmured. I nodded. All I knew was , I am all alone now expect William's who never gonna leave me I now that for sure.

I spooned a serving of ice cream into my mouth at the same time he bit into chip, yeah I love his icecream with chip's weird right? Slient filled the room, interrupted only by the crunch of the food. William's mouth curled into a small smile." So what's next? "
"Don't act like you don't know of course I'm gonna end it? , But how did you find out about all of this? "
"Try to call you whole night to congratulate you for anniversary but you didn't pick up not even seen my messages I got worried so I asked my manager to find out what's happening and he tell that Mike have to marry one of the investor daughter. So after hearing that I ran to came here." He said with soft and comforting smile on his lips.

"What did you do when you get home?" He asked with fear in his eyes. "You're are not gonna beleive but seriously I did nothing.......when I got home last night I went straight to my bed and slept for so long.  It's felt like I'm too tired with all the emotion burden I carried on my shoulder pushed me to bed and begged me to sleep. I wake in the evening and....."

"And what Kiara?" " I just stare at the ceiling tossed and turned on bed. After an hour I get up to take a shower and then you came." I found sympathy in his eyes for me." When you staring at the ceiling what's on your mind?"

"Hmmm now that I think about it I was blank at that time not a single thought of yesterday came into my thoughts expect one thing........"

He didn't say anything so I assumed he wants me to keep going. "He cheated on me , lied to me, but the worst he did was when he said ......"my vision start to blur again.

"Said what Kiara? "His jaw tightened." He said did I want us to end up like my parents? You know I trust and tell my secrets , insecurities and weakness. And he use that against me. It's hurt like he stabbed me with knife."
He sighs and said, "so he breaks your trust. And use your weakness to break you right?"

"Hmmm you know he's the first guy I love. I never tell anyone about my childhood but I tell him because I love him."

"Listen Kiara what I'm just about to tell you you definitely not gonna like but please listen to me before you react. Okay?"

"Hmmm." I don't know what he's gonna tell me but my heartbeat faster when he look in my eyes  and said,  "You don't love him. You just trust him to much. "

"What????........ What's that supposed to mean?"

"Relax! You also know that his not the first person you love but first you trust blindly."

"I don't get that. What are you trying to say please elaborate?"

"Okay, if you love him you able to forgive him for cheat on you and honestly I know it didn't effect you that much but when he use your weakness towards you . That's the point where you feel betrayed... right?" He looked at me with those am I right? eyes.

"But isn't trust complete love? "

"Trust is base of love but takes other elements too complete it and your realtionship didn't even able to pass the trust level so Stop calling it love. You just trust him that's all. "
I don't what's he trying to tell me or I know I don't want to believe in that..... aghhhh it's tough seriously.

"Okk so a day after tomorrow we have meeting for that new project thing right?"

"I already emailed my resignation letter to company. So I'm not going anywhere near that man."

"And it approved?" " I don't know that wait let me check.... "I open my laptop and clicked on email and there's a reply......"WTF"........

"What happened? "He came near me and glanced at the screen," ohh so they didn't approved and just that they asked you talk face to face. Now what are you gonna do Bitch? "

"I don't know but definitely I'm not going to that stupid office again....." " But if you don't you they're not going to approve your resignation."
Aghhhhhh can't I just have one fucking normal day in my life.

Writer's note :
I hope you like the chapter. And let me know what Kiara should do now..... Please support me ❤️❤️

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